Something I have wanted to be better at doing is incorporating holidays and other extras into our school learning. I don’t feel like I do great at this but this last week The Good and the Beautiful made it pretty hard to not do anything! I have never seen them do these before {but I …
New Year Showcase
Extra activities have been a rough go the last year! Our kiddos are not involved in a lot, but dance has been one thing that Sarah has been able to continue doing. She loves it and we were so glad that we could finally get together to watch her perform with her class. They performed …
The day after Lydia’s ABR, she had a BIG physical therapy appointment. On top of all of Lydia’s doctor’s appointments, she is still receiving physical therapy, feeding therapy, language therapy, and they are talking about starting occupational therapy 😳. It’s A LOT. There’s no other way to put it. But we love Lydia’s therapists and …
Last week, Lydia had her ABR {auditory brainstem response} test. We were having some concerns about her hearing. It is a debated issue around here how well Lydia hears. We don’t really know if she knows her name or anything else really. She’s had two “booth” screenings and they came back inconclusive. They basically told …
Family Game Night
It felt like January flew by in a FLASH! Our family made a goal this year to bring back our monthly “family fun” activities. We got pretty inconsistent this last year {can we blame COVID? 😉} and we want to get back to it! January almost slipped by us, but we decided to do a …
Jacob Scott
I am in complete denial that Jacob is going to be nine years old this year. Where is the time going? As crazy as it is though, it is also exciting to think that we are entering this new phase in parenting. I have definitely noticed a maturity in Jacob over the last couple months. …
{REVIEW} The Good and the Beautiful Math: Level 2
I love the math by The Good and the Beautiful. I said it. I love it! It is so solid and it is Jacob’s favorite subject. He spends a slightly crazy amount of time flipping through his math books during his free time. That’s how much we love it around here. It’s gold. So here …
Tier II
We were so sure that after we completed our mammoth list of tests from our developmental specialist that we would have a direction for Lydia. How could we not?! Our two biggest tests that we thought would give us some guidance were the MRI and genetic test. When we got the news that both came …