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Three Month Lydia Update: It has now been three months since Lydia’s diagnosis and it feels so much longer. If I were to give one word to update on where we are at three months in, it would be OVERWHELM. I am so overwhelmed ALL. THE. TIME. Calm Before the Storm The first two months …


Berning Family Reunion

Just days after the Clegg Family Reunion, we turned back and headed to our favorite place once again – but this time for the Berning Family Reunion! We had to laugh that both reunions ended up just being down the road from one another. We had a beautiful cabin nestled in the trees and it …


Father’s Day

“You have a serious responsibility to assume leadership in working with your children. You must help create a home where the Spirit of the Lord can abide… You homes should be havens of peace and joy for your family. A father’s duty is to make his home a place of happiness and joy…The powerful effect …