I am grateful and humbled every day to get to be the mother of these four special children. They fill my life. Momma loves you forever, little ones.
Space Odyssey
One of the many things we were looking forward to about moving closer to a major city is all of the museums that would be near by. Everyone in our family knew we were going to have to make the Denver Museum of Nature and Science a MUST regular visit. Mark and I went to …
{REVIEW} The Good and the Beautiful Science: Birds
A new science unit for us was BIRDS from The Good and the Beautiful. I am not a bird person. I’ve never really be interested in birds or wanted to learn more about them. This unit made me a bird LOVER! They are fascinating. My kids have also become passionate bird lovers and want to …
But We Heeded Them Not
As I have dived deeper into Elder David A. Bednar’s talk, But We Needed Them Not, it has really made me ponder my own discipleship and where I am on “the path.” It’s been an experience I am grateful for. Early on in his talk, Elder Bednar speaks about Lehi’s vision of the tree of …
{Jacob’s Picks} Favorite 4th Grade Books
As Jacob is wrapping up his fourth grade year he has grown a lot in his reading. He continues to just devourer books. He often has multiple books going at the same time, which secretly drives me crazy, but it works for him! He has jumped several reading levels this year, but I asked him …
Hello Colorado!
Once we got unloaded the fun CONTINUED! We have spent the last week trying to get settled into our new home. Things took a lot longer than I thought it would {isn’t that always the way?} but we are getting there! All of the boxes have now been unpacked or placed out of my sight …
Goodbye Wyoming
The last two months have been an absolute whirlwind! Moving is the worst. There is just no other way to put it. There are so many moving parts and it is just overwhelm every day. Just days after we returned from our Disneyland trip, Mark was offered a job in Colorado. We luckily had been …
Eagle Way
Saying goodbye to our home…it’s hard. We came into this home pretty broken. It maybe sounds crazy to some, but we were shattered when we had to leave Garden City and move to Rock Springs. Have you ever had a dream that you never really thought would happen? And then IT DOES! And then it …
The Power of Spiritual Momentum
General Conference General Conference is easily one of my favorite weekends. It has become like a holiday in the Berning household, we have a countdown chain and everything, we LOVE it! This conference was a little tricky. We are moving in a matter of days and so the house is in chaos and every moment …