
Valentine’s Day

I love Valentine’s Day. Since our anniversary is so close to Valentine’s Day, it’s always been more about family love for us and I love that we do that!

My favorite tradition BY FAR is exchanging our love notes to one another. These have become such treasures to read throughout the years. It’s so sweet to see what the kids say to one another.

We began our Valentine’s Day with double chocolate waffles, berries, and bacon – yummmmm. We went to church in the morning and then when we got home we cooked, baked, and decorated! The kids enjoy helping and they were in charge of all decorations.

In the afternoon we all exchanged our love notes to one another. It was such a wonderful time. Jacob decided that he wanted to make Lydia a “Valentine’s Fairy” and it was the sweetest. He was so excited to give it to her.

We ended the day with our Valentine’s Day feast. I love holidays and gathering around the table is one of my favorite parts. It makes me happy to make holidays extra special for my family.

It was a beautiful day.


So I did something a little crazy. Like…I still can’t believe that I did it. I made a video of our family over the weekend and put it on YouTube.

Let me give some background. The last couple months, I have been feeling a strong pull to “document” all the things. Back in December, when we found out some of the possibilities of what Lydia might have, and how those possibilities might greatly reduce her time with us here on earth… it’s a horrible feeling. There are so many thoughts and feelings and I am not ready to discuss all of those. But one thing I will say, is I just want to treasure every moment with my family, exactly how they are right now.

I am pretty good at taking pictures, but videos are not something I am as great at. But I have found that that is what the kids often want to watch. So I made a video.

It took me WAY too long {oh my, it better get easier or there is NO WAY I can keep them up!} and it is painfully amateur but the kids love it and I am grateful to have these memories always to look back on.

So if you are looking at a little glimpse of our family…here it is! Also, just so you know, the audio is not even throughout – so be prepared to turn it up or down! It was kind of driving me cookie but then I finally just realized that if I waited for it to be perfect, I might not post it until next Valentine’s Day! So here is our imperfect video of our perfect weekend!

Valentine’s Past: