Life, Travel

The Walt Disney Family Museum

After walking around the Presidio, we went to the Walt Disney Family Museum.  This was really interesting.  It was definitely a more adult museum {I would not recommend it for young children} – which we were expecting – but I was surprised at how much information there was!  We thought this would be an hour or so TOPS and we ended up spending over three hours there!  We learned a lot about this fascinating man and his life – he truly is inspiring in so many ways and it is incredible all that he was able to accomplish.

We came back to our hotel quickly and changed into some nicer clothes and then walked back over to Pier 39 for our dinner.  This was more of our anniversary dinner {since we were too pooped the night before!}  and it was great.  We ate right over the pier and it was so yummy.  I even tried swordfish {insert gasp here!}. 

It was an incredible trip and I am so grateful for this time that Mark and I had to have some time together.  It will be a trip we will always remember!