
The Power of Spiritual Momentum

General Conference

General Conference is easily one of my favorite weekends. It has become like a holiday in the Berning household, we have a countdown chain and everything, we LOVE it! This conference was a little tricky. We are moving in a matter of days and so the house is in chaos and every moment in-between sessions was spent packing and organizing. So I felt like my mind wasn’t entirely in it, which only makes me even more grateful for the next six months when I can study and internalize all of the messages from this last weekend.

I’ve spent the last couple days thinking about the messages. I felt like there was a little different tone this conference. It felt, to me, like there was an urgency in their messages. And a necessity to ACT. My biggest overall takeaway is that I need to become a true follower of Christ, not just in what I say I believe, but in my actions and thoughts. No one can sit on the fence anymore, you have to choose who you are going to follow.

Our Savior, Jesus Christ was at the center of every message. But I felt like the topic of adversity was the predominant theme again. There is so much pain in the world right now. When I think of some of the trials some of my family members are going through, I just feel so much sadness. The world can feel so heavy, and no one is immune. But I felt like there was a lot of peace spoken in this conference. The other topics I noticed a lot this conference was that of covenants and faith. I can’t wait to dive into these topics more heavily the next six months.


  • Our Savior, Jesus Christ (always)
  • Adversity
  • Covenants
  • Faith
  • Discipleship
  • Repentance

President Nelson’s Message

President Nelson hit just about every topic. Each time I have reread and re-listened to this talk, I feel like I get another layer of goodness out of it.

He asked a question at the beginning which has led to a lot of pondering for me: How can we expect peace to exist in the world when we are not individually seeking peace and harmony?

The world is in commotion. And as much as I wish things would get better, I don’t think they are. And I don’t mean that in a negative Nancy kind of way, but just that these are the times that have been foretold. President Nelson even goes on to say that the “evil and the darker signs of the times are intensifying”. But even though that sounds alarming, President Nelson offers peace.

But we have to CHOOSE it. That was a big takeaway from me throughout conference, the gospel is the same, it is constant, but we have to choose it. And we have to choose it every single day. And that is why we need that positive spiritual momentum which President Nelson spoke of. President Nelson gave us a “How to Maintain Personal Spiritual Momentum”:

  • Get on the covenant path and stay there
  • Discover the JOY of daily repentance
  • Learn about God and how He works
  • Seek and expect miracles
  • End conflict in your personal life

President Nelson specifically invited us to end the conflicts in our lives and I hope that I can accept that invitation. At first, I didn’t really feel like I had conflict in my life. That’s not to say I haven’t been hurt in my life, but I really try to not hold grudges. However, we all harbor pain, sometimes even with the Lord, and I hope to free those conflicts that I might be holding onto – even if they are buried deep.


My call today…is to end conflicts that are raging in your heart, your home, and your life. Bury any and all inclinations to hurt others – whether those inclinations be a temper, a sharp tongue, or a resentment for someone who has hurt you.

We are followers of the Prince of Peace. Now more than ever, we need the peace only He can bring…Followers of Jesus Christ should set the example for all the world to follow. I plead with you to do all you can to end personal conflicts that are currently raging in your hearts and in your lives.

Momentum is a powerful concept.

We have seen examples of both positive and negative momentum.

We have never needed positive spiritual momentum more than we do now, to counteract the speed with which evil and the darker signs of the times are intensifying. Positive spiritual momentum will keep us moving forward amid the fear and uncertainty created by pandemics, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and armed hostilities. Spiritual momentum can help us withstand the relentless, wicked attacks of the adversary and thwart his efforts to erode our personal spiritual foundation.

I would like to suggest five specific actions we can take to help us maintain positive spiritual momentum.

Get on the covenant path and stay there.

We enter the covenant path by being baptized and making our first covenant with God. Each time we partake of the sacrament, we promise again to take the name of the Savior upon us, to remember Him, and to keep His commandments. In return, God assures us that we may always have the Spirit of the Lord to be with us.

Later we make additional covenants in the temple, where we receive even greater promises. Ordinances and covenants give us access to godly power. The covenant path is the only path that leads to exaltation and eternal life.

Discover the joy of daily repentance.

Repentance is required of every accountable person who desires eternal glory. There are no exceptions…Repenting is the key to progress. Pure faith keeps us moving forward on the covenant path.

Please do not fear or delay repenting…Start today to experience the joy of putting off the natural man. The Savior loves us always but especially when we repent.

Now, a caution: Returning to the covenant path does not mean that life will be easy. This path is rigorous and at times will feel like a steep climb. This ascent, however, is designed to test and teach us, refine our natures, and help us to become saints. It is the only path that leads to exaltation.

Learn about God and how He works.

One of the greatest challenges today is distinguishing between the truths of God and the counterfeits of Satan.

Cast Satan’s influence out of your life!

The antidote to Satan’s scheme is clear: we need daily experiences worshipping the Lord and studying His gospel. I plead with you to let God prevail in your life. Give Him a fair share of your time. As you do, notice what happens to your positive spiritual momentum.

See and expect miracles.

Every book of scripture demonstrates how willing the Lord is to intervene in the lives of those who believe in Him…Each of these miracles took time and may not have been exactly what those individuals originally requested from the Lord.

In the same way, the Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in Him, “doubting nothing.” Do the spiritual work to seek miracles. Prayerfully ask God to help you exercise that kind of faith…Few things will accelerate your spiritual momentum more than realizing the Lord is helping you to move a mountain in your life.

End conflict in your personal life.

Exercise the humility, courage, and strength required both to forgive and to seek forgiveness.

When the Savior atoned for all mankind, He opened a way that those who follow Him can have access to His healing, strengthening, and redeeming power. These spiritual privileges are available to all who seek to hear Him and follow Him.

With all the pleadings of my heart, I urge you to get on the covenant path and stay there. Experience the joy of repenting daily. Learn about God and how He works. Seek and expect miracles. Strive to end conflict in your life.

As you act on these pursuits, I promise you the ability to move forward on the covenant path with increased momentum, despite whatever obstacles you face. And I promise you greater strength to resist temptation, more peace of mind, freedom from fear, and greater unity in your families.

God lives! Jesus is the Christ! He lives! He loves us and will help us.”

FULL text and video of President Russell M. Nelson’s talk can be found HERE.

Other messages from the April 2022 General Conference that I have found particularly impactful:

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