Life, Travel

The Journey Home

Our final day we woke up in beautiful, chilly Denver.  We stayed the night right across the street from where our apartment was in Denver.  That place was the longest place we have ever lived since Mark and I have been married and definitely still holds a special place in my heart.  It’s where we brought Jacob and Sarah home from the hospital.  It was nice to reminisce.

We got some breakfast and then drove around campus a little.  Then we began our last leg of our journey home.  The wind was OUT OF CONTROL.  It was crazy.  We were driving into the wind the whole way across Wyoming but luckily didn’t hit snow until we took the turn off to Kemmerer.  We came home to eight inches of snow!

On our drive home we did our drawing for our 2019 family vacation!  MY FAVORITE!!!

Mark picked Virginia, I picked West Virginia, Jacob was Maryland, Sarah had Idaho, and Benjamin picked Montana.  The final round went to IDAHO!  We are actually really excited to explore this state that we love even more!

We’re coming for you Idaho!

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Photo by Alturas Homes on