Showing 5 Result(s)

Valentine’s Day

We had a lovely Valentine’s Day. We took a break from our normal school and did this little mini Valentine’s Day unit from The Mindful Heart and it was so sweet. We read scriptures and poetry about love. We read about who St. Valentine was. We read our favorite picture books about love and Valentine’s. …


Valentine’s Day

Ever since we got back from Disneyland our house has become a topsy-turvy crazy mess! The weekend before Valentine’s Day, Mark was offered the position in Colorado and on Valentine’s Day, he formally accepted! It was the best. The only downfall is our life has become consumed with all of those details involved. But we …


Valentine’s Day

I love Valentine’s Day. Since our anniversary is so close to Valentine’s Day, it’s always been more about family love for us and I love that we do that! My favorite tradition BY FAR is exchanging our love notes to one another. These have become such treasures to read throughout the years. It’s so sweet …