Showing 64 Result(s)

Colorado Rockies

We have had the most wonderful spring. It has been cool and rainy and oh so pleasant {except the mosquitos!}. Mark has been wanting to take the kiddos to a Colorado Rockies game ever since we moved and he was finally able to this month. We’ve had afternoon thunderstorms nearly every day, but they had …

Life, Schoolhouse

Spring Piano Recital

Jacob and Sarah have absolutely SOARED in piano the last several months. Someone is playing the piano most of the time during the day. It has become something they do in their free time – not just during “practice” and it makes my heart so happy. Jacob in particular has just shocked and amazed me. …


Come and See

Jacob was asked to give a talk in Primary back in January. I am so proud of this boy. Talking in front of others is very intimidating for him but Jacob never ceases to amaze me with his strength. Here is his talk so that we can remember his testimony right now. “In the New …


Fifth Grade Read Alouds

This year we are shaking up our read alouds a little bit. Jacob really enjoys his read alouds and we just weren’t ready to give those up yet. However, I couldn’t figure out how to make the timing work. I know most homeschool families do one read aloud as a whole family, but I have …