Showing 20 Result(s)


Lydia had another research appointment down in Denver and so we decided to take the whole family down this time and make an outing out of it! Lydia was a champ and did so well (as always). And our other kiddos are such troopers and have spent way too much of their young lives hanging …


Jurassic World Live Tour

Last weekend, one of Mark’s best friends from college came down with his two oldest kiddos and met Mark, Jacob, Sarah, and Benjamin for the Jurassic World Live Tour in Denver. They had so much fun! I didn’t get a whole lot of details – so I will just let the pictures speak for themselves! …


The Wild Animal Sanctuary

We are trying to do more “experience” type gifts in our family and it has been so fun. Memories over things any day! Mark and I got Jacob tickets to go to the Wild Animal Sanctuary for his birthday and Jacob cashed them in this week. Mark and Jacob went together and had a great …


Colorado Rockies

We have had the most wonderful spring. It has been cool and rainy and oh so pleasant {except the mosquitos!}. Mark has been wanting to take the kiddos to a Colorado Rockies game ever since we moved and he was finally able to this month. We’ve had afternoon thunderstorms nearly every day, but they had …

Life, Travel

Colorado Gators

FINAL DAY – Day 3 – of our mini family vacation and geez was it a doozy! We packed up our things and started to make our way out of Alamosa. We were a little undecided about what to do for our final activity (which is not like us). We had three different options we …