
Spring Planting

Last week we made our way out into the yard! Last spring, when we moved into our home, we added the concrete patio, fence, sprinklers, grass, four trees, and rock in the backyard, and a railing around the front porch in the front.

This year, we are hoping to fill in with some LIFE! We had a sad turnout with our trees. We had purchased four trees online last year (writing that out now sounds totally crazy but we had heard really good things!). Two never transitioned well – we think we planted them when it was too hot. And then one didn’t make it through the winter. So we had one McIntosh apple tree left.

So we went down to the nursery, and got another Honeycrisp tree to replace the one we lost, and then two new trees to replace the other two. Then we got REALLY crazy and got a dwarf alberta spruce and two reblooming lilac bushes. We also planted a Pocahontas Canadian Lilac bush which should get really big and offer us a little bit of privacy (which we are in desperate need of in our yard). I also tried planting some bulbs for the first time in my life – so we will see how those go.

We got about half of our planting done before we had three solid days of intense RAIN. I was in heaven. However, one night we had HUGE hail just pummel our newly planted trees. I was very nervous to look outside in the morning to see how they fared. But other that losing their pretty flowers, the trees themselves look okay – so we are crossing our fingers!

And finally, our patio pots are filled and planted with some flowers! We are so excited for the warmth that everything has added to our space and can’t wait to see some growth.

We were hoping to build a raised garden this spring – but I am not sure if it is going to happen (I think we may be too late for planting) so we will see on that one. But things are happening and that is exciting!

Ben was Mark’s right hand man in planting the trees and bushes. Jacob and Sarah were weeding extraordinaires. And Lydia was my buddy planting bulbs and lifting morale. Loving hard on my sweet family. We are so blessed to have one another and excited for this new and very wet spring season we are having!