Life, Travel

Silverwood Theme Park

Our last full day in Idaho was ALL ABOUT THE KIDS! But we ALL had so much fun and it was a day we will be talking about for a good long while!

We headed just north of Coeur d’Alene to Silverwood Theme Park. This park is simply enchanting! Honestly. It was so adorable and if we lived up there I would get season passes in a second!

The park is so clean and has beautiful flowers everywhere and was just lovely to be in.

And the RIDES! It was absolutely perfect for our family. I felt like in ways we barely scratched the surface but none of us seemed to mind and we had a blast!

WATCHING Mark and the kids on the Tilt-a-Whirl was WAY more fun than going on it. I was laughing so hard I cried!

They had a section where Ben could ride loads of rides {some of them even on his own!}, Sarah could ride everything {some only if she had an adult with her} and Jacob was open for everything! The kids were fearless and Jacob and Sarah even went on the two biggest roller coasters in the park!

It was so fun to watch them do new things and just have fun. I loved it. It was a pretty darn perfect day and we were there from opening to close! The kids are already begging to go back!