
Sarah’s 7th Birthday

Oh my Sarah. One of the many fun things about being a parent is hearing the countdown for MONTHS until birthdays! Sarah has been so excited to turn seven years old and the day finally came!

I seem to have passed on my love of planning to Sarah because she had her day all planned out. She knew just what she wanted and we were happy to celebrate our girl. She woke up to double chocolate waffles with berries and whipped cream!

Then we got ready to PAR-TAY!

Sarah wanted a camping party. The boys and her were going to do a little campout last night but with thunderstorms and wind in the forecast we decided to skip it – and it was a good thing because the forecast delivered!

Sarah was thrilled to have Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Melina to come celebrate her special day. We had hot dogs and hamburgers, chips, applesauce, and orange pop! We were going to do s’mores but we were all so full we didn’t even get to it! Oh well!

This was the birthday of the American Girl! This is where I may or may not be vicariously living through Sarah. I have fond memories of sitting in my room growing up looking through the American Girl catalogue. Sarah has done the same thing for years. And we figured if we were going to do it – NOW was the time! A couple weeks ago I was looking through the catalogue with Sarah and was discreetly asking some questions and got some ideas.

Mark and I were so excited to see Sarah open her American Girl doll. I think she was pretty surprised. And we got extended family in on it as well! Grandma made several outfits for Sarah’s doll and they are so fun! Mary Ellen {Sarah’s new doll’s name} has a pretty amazing wardrobe already and Sarah is ALL for it! Sarah also got some new LEGO sets from Gramps and Grammy and her brothers and sister. Sarah has been in heaven ever since!

To top off the party, I made Sarah a s’mores cake and it was yummy! It had lots going on, and Sarah only ended up eating ice cream – but you win some and you lose some, right?!

They rest of the day was spent playing AND Sarah lost another tooth! So the tooth fairy made a stop!

Sarah picked to have Cafe Rio for dinner and so I picked up our order and we had a picnic in the basement while watching Ratatouille. A great ending to a perfect day celebrating our girl.

Sarah’s Questionnaire & Favorites

  • What is your favorite thing to do? Play with LEGOS and my dolls
  • Do you have any nicknames? Sarah Sue, Sweet Pea
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A Mom
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family? Play games
  • What makes you happy? My family
  • What do you like to learn about? Math
  • What do you do really well? Being kind
  • If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? I would buy something to help Lydie
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Camp
  • If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Norway
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be? That Lydia wouldn’t have Rett Syndrome
  • What was your favorite birthday present? My doll and my LEGOS
  • Food: Strawberries
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Book: My scriptures and Jane and the King by Jenny Phillips
  • Toy: My doll and my LEGOS
  • Treat: Sherbet
  • Song: Speechless from Aladdin
  • Animal: Flamingo
  • Movie: Ratatouille
  • Color: Pink

Our Seven Year Old Girl

Sarah has been a truly special little girl since the day she was born. I cannot talk about Sarah and not mention her gift of love and light. Sarah makes those around her feel JOY. She seems to know just what people need and gives so freely.

She is the very best sister anyone could ever have. Her brothers adore her. Wherever Sarah is, THAT is where the boys are. Sarah is such a good playmate and really strives to make sure everyone is included. And Lydia just adores her sister. Sarah is so patient and always willing to help Lydia with whatever she needs. In fact, about a week ago, Sarah very casually told me, “When you and Dad get too old to take care of Lydia, she can live with me and I will look after her.” What seven year old little girl has that kind of awareness?! She is absolute goodness and I love her to pieces. She really is the glue that keeps our family together.

My other favorite thing about Sarah is her love of learning. This girl can never get enough. She just wants to GO-GO-GO all day long! She loves reading and learning and I can’t wait to see what she goes. The sky is the limit with this little girl and I can’t wait to see all of the good she will do in this world.

As I was tucking Sarah into bed on her birthday she leaned back, put her hands behind her head and said, “Ahhh…it’s good to be me.” And you know what, I am so thrilled to hear that. Sarah is a happy child and that makes me so happy. She spreads that joy to everyone. So keep shining your light, sweet girl. The world needs it now more than ever. We love you and are so proud of who you are.