
Sarah’s 6th Birthday

Celebrating this sweet girl is so much fun for all of us! Our Sarah brings such a LIGHT to our family – and she always has from day one. One of her greatest God-given gifts is her ability to make others happy. And she does it so well. So it was wonderful to give back to her and celebrate our Sarah Esther.

When Sarah opened her door the first thing she said was, “I feel taller. I AM older!”

She was so excited to be six years old – and I am just trying to pry my eyes open because every time I blink she seems to grow. Time is flying and I am continuously reminded of Sarah’s goodness. She is a treasure and we love her.

Sarah requested cinnamon rolls for breakfast and those were a HIT and then we got ready for her party.

Space Party

Sarah decided she wanted to have a SPACE party! We were so grateful to have some family come and help us celebrate – Grandpa and Grandma, Gramps and Grammy, and Aunt Melina were all able to come.

To kick off the party, we made “galactic space bombs”! About half were successful but we had fun anyway! And the fun has continued in the days after her birthday – the bombs were a WIN!

For lunch, Sarah requested strawberries and quesadillas. So that is exactly what we had – with some chips and dips, and chicken tortilla soup. YUM!

After lunch, we opened presents. Sarah is so blessed and was thrilled by everything. She got lots of new princess LEGOS {she is in HEAVEN!}, some Calico Critters {along with an awesome little house and car!}, books, and dresses!

We settled down for lots of playing and then had birthday cake with strawberry ice cream!

Once the party wound down and extended family left, we had lots of fun exploring her new gifts and just spending time together. Sarah then chose to go to IHOP for her birthday dinner and…got macaroni and cheese! Why do they even have Kraft Macaroni and Cheese on the menu?! Oh well, she loved it and so we went with it!

The day ended with a family movie night and Sarah picked to watch STAR WARS! It was the perfect ending for our little Sarah and we were so happy to watch her so happy.

Birthday Interview

What is your favorite thing to do?


Do you have any nicknames?

Sarah Sue, Sweet Pea

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Dance teacher

What is your favorite thing to do with the family?

Watch movies

What makes you happy?

Being with the family

What do you like to learn about?

Our bodies and how they work

What do you do really well?


If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?


What is your favorite thing to do outside?

Ride my bike

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Gramps and Grammy’s house

If you could have one wish, what would it be?

That Mary {her stuffed animal lamb} could be real

What was your favorite birthday present?

Frozen 2 Book

Sarah’s Favorites






Any princess book




Vanilla Frosties


Families Can Be Together Forever




Sleeping Beauty


Pink and Purple


I feel like I have said it a thousand times in Sarah’s life and I am sure I will say it thousands more, but she is such a bright light for good in our family and in the world. She makes everyone around her better by her example and I am amazed by her every day.

Sarah loves music. She is always taking our speaker around the house wherever she is and listening to music. She loves all kinds and picks up on the words really fast {or at least her version of the words – which can be quite hilarious!}.

Sometimes we call Sarah our little Cinderella. Not because we lock her up and make her serve us {I promise!} but because she is always “tidying”. I love that she uses that word, too. She gets in these moods and she just attacks everything. I will find her wiping down the cabinets, or making someone else’s bed, “organizing” EVERYTHING, you name it! She never asks for any praise. She does it simply because she sees a need and she wants to make others happy. And that completely defines our girl.

One of Sarah’s most wonderful attributes is her attitude. She has such a CAN-DO attitude. If she can’t do something, she just works on it. For example, this summer Sarah decided she wanted to learn how to play piano. I told her I would start giving her lessons in August. But that wasn’t fast enough for her. So she took out our beginner books and taught HERSELF how to play. She would practice for about an hour EVERY DAY on her own. And she did pretty good!

Sarah is endlessly patient. She is an example to me of this. She is so patient with every member of our family. She is everyone’s favorite playmate and tries to make sure everyone is happy.

I am always teasing Sarah that we are going to skip her birthday because I don’t want her to grow up. She thinks its funny and tells me that I can’t stop her growing. But a couple weeks ago when the topic of her birthday came up, I teased her again that I wasn’t going to let her have any more birthdays so she doesn’t grow up any more and she matter-of-factly said, “Mom, you can’t keep me little forever.” I so wish this wasn’t true though.

I love you, my little Sarah. Forever and always.

(4) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    What a sweetie! I love the pic of her and Jacob.

    1. Elise says:

      Me too. It might be my favorite of the day.

  2. Scott says:

    Sarah brings so much joy and happiness. Words don’t express how much we love her. I was so happy to see that our home is where she would come if she could go anywhere in the world. How special is that?!

    1. Elise says:

      I thought you would like that 😉. And that is what she said – she sure loves you both.

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