
Sarah’s 5th Birthday

This week we have had the amazing opportunity to celebrate one of our favorite girls in the entire world – our sweet and saucy little Sarah!

Sarah is one of a kind. She really is. Half the time we wonder where she came from because she is such a spit-fire! She definitely knows how to keep us on our toes and we love her for it.

Our kids are at such fun ages right now and birthdays are KING around here! Jacob and Sarah each have their “themes” picked for their birthdays for the next several years {we’ll see how many of them actually stick!} and they live for their birthdays.

I told Sarah the night before her birthday that I wasn’t going to let her turn five. She saucily told me, “Mom, Heavenly Father made my body to grow. You can’t stop Him.” And, sadly, she is absolutely right. As much as I would love to bundle her up and keep her exactly how she is, I have to let her grow up. But…WHY?!!!!

Sarah requested double chocolate waffles with berries and sausage – and SHE GOT IT! I got up early and had her breakfast all ready for when she woke up. She ran up to me and I snuggled her and told her “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” To which she very matter-of-factly said, “I don’t turn five until you sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me.” Oh brother.

After breakfast, we loaded the car and headed to Utah to celebrate her birthday. This is the first time we have traveled for a birthday {and I am slightly worried it is now going to start a new tradition!} but Sarah really wanted to go to the aquarium for her birthday and Salt Lake is the closest one.

The day was my perfect kind of day and was stormy and cold all day long. So it worked our perfect that Sarah had picked an “inside” activity. Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Melina came with us to the aquarium {my parents had things they had to do and offered to let Lydie stay at their home so she could rest while we played}.

Sarah and the boys had such a fun time. They were really engaged and thrilled by everything!

Afterwards we went over to my parent’s house and they were so kind to host Sarah’s party festivities. My Mom made a fabulous dinner and we topped it off with cake and ice cream. The night wrapped up with opening presents. Sarah was so excited for her new PINK bike with PINK helmet, matching blankets for her and her baby, and pretend make up {oh, please help me!}. She was grinning from ear to ear.

It was a pretty perfect day for our lovely lady.

Sarah’s favorite things…

  • Books: Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey, The Tale of Two Bad Mice by Beatrix Potter, and Peter Pan retold from the J.M. Barrie Original
  • Movies: The Greatest Showman and Sleeping Beauty
  • Food: She’s ALL about the berries! She listed strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries…and chocolate pudding.
  • Game: Surprise Slides
  • Song: Families Can Be Together Forever
  • Favorite Thing to Do at School: Paint
  • Favorite Activities: Crafts, doing school with her entire family, and being together with her family forever

When I asked Sarah that last question and she gave me that response I think my heart melted into a giant puddle. She is such a sweetheart.

Sarah really is a perfect mixture of sugar and spice and all things nice. She is the greatest sister. She is unbelievably patient with her brothers and is never low on kisses for her sister. She is always willing to help out. She is so smart and “LOVES LEARNING!“. Sarah has a great attitude about life and all that it entails and we love every day with her.

She is already doing amazing things in her life and I am so grateful I get a front row seat to all of the greatness she will continue to bring to the world. You keep being you, sis. We love you just the way you are!

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Such gorgeous blue eyes and a sweet smile. She is one special girl.
    Looks like you had a great day.

    1. Elise says:

      It was a REALLY great day! Thank you so much for your sweet card!

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