
Sarah’s 10th Birthday

This little sweetheart is in DOUBLE DIGITS! We loved celebrating our favorite ten year old girl!

Along with double digits came no theme for Miss Sarah. There is a part of me that is sad that I feel like we are slowly ageing out of these but I am also really excited for a lot of the fun that this older stage is bringing as well.

Sarah requested baked french toast, bacon, and yogurt for breakfast. Then we let Dad go to sleep (night shift strikes again!) and Sarah declared it a jammie day! We played Carcassonne, the girls played with their dolls, and we watched a movie. We eventually got Dad up and made our way to Cinzzetti’s – we introduced the kiddos to this Italian buffet a couple months ago and Sarah has been dreaming of going back ever since. By the time we made it back home it was late and Dad needed to head back to work.

Sarah decided to keep the party going (because she wanted everyone to be there) and stretch out the party to the next day. The next day we did Sarah’s chocolate ice cream cake and cards and presents.

Because of scheduling and Sarah’s strong desire to make sure everyone can come – she decided to delay her activity until next week – trampoline park here we come!

Our Ten Year Old Girl

  • What is your favorite thing to do? Do crafts
  • Do you have any nicknames? Sarah Sue, Sweet Pea, and Water Bug
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? Someone who works with horses
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family? Play games
  • What makes you happy? Lydie
  • What do you like to learn about? Math
  • What do you do really well? Draw
  • If you had a million dollars what would you buy? Build a farmhouse in Colorado with horses and is accessible for Lydie
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride my bike and go on walks
  • If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Scotland
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be? To have a horse
  • What was your favorite birthday present? Horse trail ride
  • Food: White Chicken Chili
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Book: Little House on the Prairie
  • Toy: Doll and Callico Critters
  • Treat: Ice Cream Cake
  • Song: Songs from WICKED
  • Animal: Horse
  • Subject in School: Math
  • Movie: Little Women or Star Wars (she is eclectic!)
  • Color: Blue

Sarah is such a tender soul in our family.

That is one of my favorite things about Sarah. She is sensitive to others and always trying to be a peacemaker and make sure everyone is okay. She thinks of others first and is truly the very best sister to her siblings.

Sarah is a designer! She loves to design and make clothes for her doll and is so creative with what she comes up with.

Sarah continues to be such an avid reader. She is a night owl who would read for hours and hours every night if I’d let her. She loves the Little House on the Prairie series and has read the whole series several times.

With being a night owl – Sarah has also embraced the sleeping in! I almost always have to wake her up in the morning and she is starting to love sleeping in on Saturdays and holidays! So it begins!

She is steady. Sarah knows who she is and she is solid. It is beautiful to see her grow up into this beautiful young soul (but she is really an “old” soul). The world these young people are growing up in is so hard, but she gives me confidence.

We love our girl so very much. She fills our lives with goodness, love, and joy. Thank you for sharing your sunshine with all of us, sweet girl. We love you, forever.

Growing Up

(1) Comment

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    Love you forever. Love you for always.

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