
Sarah Esther

Recently I have found myself in awe of this little girl. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is only six years old because there are times when she just astounds me with her maturity. Ever since Sarah was born, she has had a gift for making others happy. It is just part of who she is, and she does it so well.

Sarah never fails to amaze me with how wonderful she is as a sister. Our other kiddos are so blessed to have her. She is a peacemaker (although her and Ben have their moments). She is so patient with her brothers. She is always the first to share. She is everyone’s favorite playmate. And she is so sweet to her little sister. I mentioned to Sarah the other day about how maybe we could see about her and Lydia getting separate bedrooms. Sarah didn’t miss a beat. She immediately said that she didn’t want a room of her own and that she wanted to be with Lydia. She loves her sister. Sarah sings to Lydia as she falls asleep, plays “tea party” with her, and is always trying to hold Lydia’s hand.

Our family would be vastly different without her beautiful spirit in our home. She fills us with joy and her outlook on everything is always positive. She loves life and looks for the good – not only in situations but also with people. She makes me want to be a better person and inspires me in the best of ways.

Sarah loves wearing dresses and and is the most fashion aware six year old I have ever met. She can tell you what someone was wearing at any given event. And I mean – from like YEARS ago – she remembers. She has definite opinions about what she wears and I have no idea where she gets it from! When I was her age, I remember bringing pants in the car to church so I could change in the parking lot before we even left! I have changed my tune since then, and actually prefer dresses over pants myself now, but this girl definitely keeps me on my toes when it comes to fashion. Send help for when we get to the teenage years!

Sarah has become a whiz at reading and I have loved watching her learn this year. I can’t believe that we are nearing the end of her kindergarten year. She is a joy to teach. Her favorite subject is math and she already knows quite a few of her multiplication facts just from listening to Jacob’s lessons.

With my little Sarah girl, I almost feel like my role as her mother is just to love her and get out of her way! She is so driven and will continue to do amazing things in life. I love watching her and learning from her. She teaches me every day. I love you, Sarah Esther. You keep being you. Because you is a wonderful thing.

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    A touching tribute to a sweet girl. Love

  2. Scott Clegg says:

    Amen to everything that you said. Sarah is a gift to ALL OF US.

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