
Pure Testimony

The second most common topic spoken of by President M. Russell Ballard was missionary work. He was passionate about this subject. While there were many messages to choose from, my favorite talk on missionary work was given in the October 2004 General Conference entitled, Pure Testimony. While there were other messages that spoke of missionary work more directly, this one touched my heart.

President Ballard spoke of testimony. He defined testimony as: “a witness or confirmation of eternal truth impressed upon individual hearts and souls through the Holy Ghost.” I love when leadership in the Church defines things. Sometimes we use words so frequently we may forget their deeper meaning. President Ballard teaches of the value of personal testimony and how it is something we should never take for granted.

He shared several stories about the restoration, on how the testimony of a single individual had far reaching effects. I don’t feel like my sphere of influence is very wide. But, especially after reading this message, it impressed upon my heart how important it is for me to share my testimony in word and in my actions.

One of my very favorite quotes from President Ballard also comes from this message, it says:

“Simply stated, testimony – real testimony, born of the Spirit and confirmed by the Holy Ghost – changes lives. It changes how you think and what you do. It changes what you say. It affects every priority you set and every choice you make.”


Continually nurture my personal testimony and never take it for granted. And take every opportunity to share it with those around me.

My Favorite Takeaways

“Personal testimony is the foundation of our faith.

A testimony is a witness or confirmation of eternal truth impressed upon individual hearts and souls through the Holy Ghost, whose primary ministry is to testify of truth, particularly as it relates to the Father and the Son. When one receives a testimony of truth through this divinely appointed process, it immediately begins to have impact on that person’s life.

Simply stated, testimony – real testimony, born of the Spirit and confirmed by the Holy Ghost – changes lives. It changes how you think and what you do. It changes what you say. It affects every priority you set and every choice you make. To have a real and abiding testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to be “spiritually…born of God,” to “[receive] his image in your countenances,” and to experience a “mighty change in your hearts.”

Testimonies grow and develop through experience and service.

A testimony of the reality of Heavenly Father’s love, of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and of the effect of His Atonement on every son and daughter of God brings about the desire to repent and live worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It also brings a confirmation to our soul of the Restoration of the gospel in these latter days. Real testimony of these precious truths comes as a witness by the Holy Ghost after sincere and dedicated effort, including teaching in the home, prayer, scripture study, service to others, and diligent obedience to Heavenly Father’s commandments. To gain and forever hold on to a testimony of gospel truths is worth whatever price in spiritual preparation we may be required to pay.

Having a testimony alone is not enough. In fact…we cannot be restrained from testifying…[It is} our privilege, our duty, and our solemn obligation to “declare the things which [we] know to be true.”

Clear declaration of truth makes a difference in people’s lives. That is what changes hearts. That is what the Holy Ghost can confirm in the hearts of God’s children.

Brothers and sisters, join together with the missionaries in sharing your precious testimony every day, witnessing at every opportunity the glorious message of the Restoration. The fire of your testimony is all that you need in order to introduce the gospel to many more of our Father’s children. Trust in the Lord, and never underestimate the impact your testimony can have upon the lives of others as you bear it with the power of the Spirit…The time has come for all of us to overcome any fear and boldly take every opportunity to share our testimonies of the gospel.

May the Lord bless you as you continue to nurture your testimonies through your prayers, your personal gospel study, and your acts of service…I pray that the Lord may bless you, my dear brothers and sisters, as you teach and testify.”