We headed over the Baratara Preserve {which is a part of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve} and that place is WILD! One of the best parts of this trip was that it was so different from any other place we’ve been. We’ve never been in the South before and it was really fun …
Audubon Zoo
After the aquarium, we headed back out into the wet and drove over to the Audubon Zoo. We got there and it felt completely deserted. The lady at the ticket counter was trying to talk us out of going in saying that all of the big animals were inside and we wouldn’t be able to …
Audubon Aquarium of the Americas
We woke up to hard rain, wind, and thunder! It was crazy! I was actually a little nervous at times with how strong it was! Bu today was our kid day! We had planned to go to the aquarium and zoo and have it all be about the kidlets! Once we got downtown, which was …
French Quarter
You definitely can’t do Louisiana without doing the French Quarter of New Orleans! When we first got there we went into the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park in the French Quarter. We had to get our stamps in our passport! We then walked over to Jackson Square! This was quite easily my favorite part of …
Swamp Tour
Our first full day in Louisiana was really full but was probably my favorite day of our entire trip! We started the morning by driving over to LaPlace for a SWAMP TOUR! We had the greatest swamp tour guide. He was definitely from “the bayou”! He talked just like you would expect, was born and …
Oak Alley Plantation
After our swamp tour we grabbed some lunch and headed over to Oak Alley Plantation. This was definitely an activity I planned for me. I knew it wasn’t high up on Mark’s list to do (and I can pretty much guarantee it wasn’t on the kiddos!) but I really wanted to go and see one …
Our Journey There
Our flight was scheduled to leave at 5:45 AM so we were in for an early start to our day! We drove down the day before to stay at my parents so we could be closer to the airport. Mark and I got up at 3:15 AM and got ready and the car loaded. We …
Our 2016 Family Vacation was amazing – as they ALL are! I mean that completely honestly. It is no secret that these trips are one of my favorite tradition and North Dakota was truly good to us. To catch all of the highlights of the trip…check out these posts! Journey to Medora Theodore Roosevelt National …
The Journey Home
We traveled home from our great family trip! I cannot tell you how much Mark and I love these family trips. We look forward to them so much and see such a high value in them. We talked this trip, as I think we have talked every trip, about how much we hope our kiddos …
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
We then left the wonderful state of North Dakota and headed to Montana. This was our cheat on our trip and we went to Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. We knew that we will most likely be spending our Montana trip on the western side and so thought this would be a good opportunity to …