This look girl is an absolute angel. She is such a light in our home and in our lives. We cannot get enough of her! Little Lydie is little. We are in uncharted territory with her. She is only 8 pounds 12 ounces (6%) and 20.7 inches in length (4%). I am not going to …
Preschool Curriculum
Sarah and I are BOTH getting so excited for this upcoming year. She is such a smart little cookie and is so ready for MORE! I know that she could probably handle WAY more than I am giving her this year but I just don’t see any reason to push her too far too fast. …
2nd Grade Curriculum
I feel like I have been in full on PLANNING and PREPPING mode for weeks! I love planning…like REALLY love planning and I am so excited for this upcoming year! We have a lot of fun things we have in the works for this year. I cannot wait to see how it all goes! So …
Splash Pad
Our poor kiddos have been so cooped up this summer. Since we bought a new build home we do not have a yard – and it is killing me! I am feeling a little cooped up and I know the kiddos are definitely feeling it. We finally got out of the house a little bit …
{REVIEW} The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts: Level 1
***This is a review for the Second Edition of Level 1 – as of 2019 there is a new edition*** This program is a-mazing! I am so impressed with how it is organized and how it teaches. IT WORKS! What is covered? One thing that I love the most about this language arts program is …
International Day
A couple weeks ago we went to Rock Springs International Day! We are trying to get out a little bit more and see what our new community has to offer so we thought this would be a great event! Fun Fact: Rock Springs’ nickname is the “Home of 56 Nationalities”. SO…this is a day to …
2nd Grade Read Alouds
I LOVE our read aloud time! And I love planning the books that we are going to read aloud together. I have solidified our line up for this upcoming year with Jacob and I am PUMPED! The Adventures of Philippe – A Story of Old Quebec by Gwendolyn Bowers Baby Island by Carol Ryrie Brink …
Independence Day
Fourth of July is definitely in my top three favorite holidays – and that’s saying something because I love a good holiday! And Fourth of July wouldn’t be the Fourth of July without spending it in Soda Springs. I love that place and I can’t imagine spending this beautiful holiday anywhere else. We headed over …
{RECAP} June 2019 Schoolhouse
This has been a flexible month with school. With little Lydie joining us at the end of May we have been adapting to being a family of SIX and letting school happen when it happens. We are trying to wrap up some of our work from the school year. I love year round schooling but …
Lydia’s Blessing Day
On Sunday, June 30, our sweet Lydia Rose was given a blessing from her Dad. It was such a beautiful day spent with our little girl and family. Grandpa and Grandma, Gramps and Grammy, Great Grandma Dixie, Aunt Teresa and cousins Miriam and Emmett, and Aunt Melina. We are so grateful to everyone that made …