Jacob was so excited to go to Minnetonka Cave! When we told him we were going he could NOT stop talking about it. He was thrilled at the idea of going into a cave {like a bear} and of seeing bats. He could NOT stop talking about the bats!
The cave was super fun and interesting and I even managed to do over 800 stairs without feeling like I was dying! Seriously, if you knew how INACTIVE the last five months of my life have been you would know this was quite an accomplishment.
The only downer was Sarah HATED the cave from the moment we went in. Mark and I were totally stumped as to why she was having such a hard time but she just screamed and screamed {NON-STOP!}. This is never fun – but in a cave it was REALLY not fun. Finally, once we got about halfway into the cave I took her and she was immediately fine. It was bizarre. Sarah has never been clingy at all – she will go to ANYONE – and she has never shown any favoritism with Mark and I. But the response was immediate and that meant that if we wanted Sarah to stay quiet I had to lug her around. It all worked out fine and luckily our tour group didn’t act like they completely hated us!
Jacob thought the cave was AWESOME! We didn’t even make it home before he asked when we were going to go back to the cave. Although I think he did have mixed feelings about not seeing any bats. He told me bats are a little scary but he couldn’t stop talking about them either so I think he was kind of hoping to see them too.

Despite Sarah’s emotional roller coaster we had a good time! We also had fun chatting afterwards with one of Mark’s old high school teachers who is a tour guide for the cave during the summer. I love that we will be raising our family in the same placae that Mark was raised.