
Memorial Day

We had such a delightful Memorial Day. The weather was *perfect* in our book – 60s and sunny – and it was FILLED. We spent a slow morning at home and then were invited over to a friend’s home for lunch.

We are so grateful to them for inviting us. It was so much fun to talk to them and have our kiddos spend time together. We ended up spending the entire afternoon at their home. It was lovely.

Because we ended up spending the majority of the day at their home, we didn’t get a chance to make it to the cemetery to pass out our flowers. BUT that night, we gathered together as a family and had a picnic in our living room, while Mark shared with all of us about some of his ancestors.

I love this tradition. The kiddos have become so interested in family history work the last several months and it makes my heart so very happy. Jacob frequently asks in his spare time if he can hop onto FamilySearch and I am 100% ALL FOR IT!

We loved getting to know August Berning and Edna Mae Porterfield! I truly believe we get to know ourselves better, when we understand where we came from.

We are so grateful to live in this beautiful country of ours. We are grateful for the men and women who have given so much to give us this place, with the freedoms we enjoy every day. And we feel a responsibility to them to maintain those ideals that this country was built upon.

(2) Comments

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    Let Jacob know of his direct-line relative, Reynolds Cahoon, who was baptized just 6 months after the Church was organized. He was a missionary companion to Hyrum and Samuel Smith, was called to be on the Kirtland Temple building committee, mentioned by name several times in the Doctrine and Covenants, and is buried in the Salt Lake City cemetery having lived his entire life as a faithful member of the Church and a close associate to the Prophet, Joseph Smith.

    1. Elise says:

      Oh we have talked a lot about Reynolds (especially last year when we studied the Doctrine and Covenants)! He thinks he is pretty cool.

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