
Memorial Day

Our Memorial Day was simple and wonderful. Mark had to work all weekend, but the kiddos and I still made it memorable. One of our favorite traditions {which we hadn’t done since moving to Wyoming} is to visit the cemetery. We have only lived close enough to visit family at the cemetery once, but we love to go and walk around. Our favorite part is to get a bouquet of flowers and I give each of the kiddos a couple and they go place them on someone’s stone. Now that Jacob and Sarah are getting older, it was really sweet. Jacob would stop and read the names and when they were alive. He seemed to really be trying to connect in some way. It was a special moment to watch. Sarah was all about the babies – which just breaks your heart, right? She found three little ones to give a flower. In true Ben fashion, he pretty quickly passed out his flowers and spent the rest of the time “cleaning up” the headstones and looking at bugs. Lydia and I just took it all in!

We came home, did some school, and PLAYED! Was it just us or did our delightful spring weather turn DRASTICALLY HOT this week?! In case you are new here, the Bernings don’t do heat. We have had a lot of red faces and the smell of sunscreen has now become the smell of summer!

When Mark came home, we decided to have a picnic in the one little spot of shade in our backyard. We had sloppy joes, barbecue chips, and green jello! That was actually, truly exciting because we found a treat for Miss Lydia! We’ve tried giving her ice cream or whipped cream before and it never seems to settle well in her tummy. We kind of tried this hesitantly {because it had whipped cream mixed in it}, but she LOVED it! We were so happy for her – AND, it actually seemed to settle just fine with her afterwards. I have a feeling jello with whipped cream mixed in will become a new staple in our diet 💛 We ended the evening with root beer floats and a game of bocce ball!

We are so grateful for the men and women who have come before us. Memorial Day to me is all about remembering. Remembering the sacrifices and the people who have come before us to help create a world where we can have moments like this.