
Mark’s 38th Birthday

Celebrating this man is one of our FAVORITE things to do! Unfortunately, Mark had to work most of his birthday, but we still took some time to celebrate our man.

We went out to eat and came home to a chocolate zucchini cake with chocolate chip ice cream. And then ended with cards, presents, and snuggles.

If you know Mark, then you know he is a quiet man. We were driving on a dirt road in the middle of NOWHERE the other day, and passed by a man who was grading the side of the road. And Mark said, “I could do that job.” And he could and be completely content. He looks back on his time working on ranches growing up with such fondness. He went on to comment that he would be okay just driving a tractor by himself all day. And I believe him.

Mark never complains {he really does inspire me in this way} and I am grateful for who he is. He is a good man. He is a good husband and father. He never toots his own horn – so I am going to do it for him πŸ˜‰. We love you, forever. Happy Birthday!

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Love the pics! Cake and ice cream etc. sounds like the best way to celebrate!

    1. Elise says:

      What more do you need, right? πŸ˜‰

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