
Mark’s 37th Birthday

This handsome man of ours celebrated his 37th Birthday – WOOT!

For his actual birthday we were traveling home from the Berning Family Reunion and then Mark pretty much immediately had to run off to work {lame} so we KNEW we had to do better than that!

So a couple days later Mark had a day off of work and we made that his un-official birthday!

We started off the day with cinnamon rolls and sausage and then Mark chose to head to the splash pad for some family fun. That is a mark of a great and selfless Dad – the splash pad was definitely an activity for the kiddos. We cooled off and had a picnic and it was pretty great!

We came home, tubbed and relaxed while the little ones took their naps. Then we took Jacob to his soccer practice and watched him while we all baked in the sun! Can it be fall yet?!

Mark decided he wanted to try a burger diner in town {we hardly ever go out to eat and so everything is still new to us!}. The dinner was so-so but the company was pretty darn perfect.

Afterwards we came home to a chocolate zucchini bundt cake {SO YUMMY!}, cards, and many renditions of the “Happy Birthday” song!

Lydia takes birthday cake very seriously

I love Mark so much. He supports me and our little family in every single way. He is a wonderful husband and father and we are grateful every day that he is ours. Happy Birthday, hun.

(3) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    What fun things to do. Remember, Grandpa Panter said that birthdays should be celebrated for a full week. Sounds like you came close to that.
    Lydia Rose is really changing and growing. She still has her double chin, but at her age it is adorable. What a wonderful smile she has.

  2. LuAnn Clegg says:

    Looks like a great day.

  3. LuAnn Clegg says:

    Looks like a great day.

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