
Journal // August 2024

Our every day August moments ☀

Temple Time

Sarah and Ben had a sweet activity at the Fort Collins Temple where they got to explore the grounds, feel the Spirit, and learn more about the symbolism of the temple.

Blood Work

Because of Lydia’s specific seizure medication, she has to get blood work done every couple months. They have noticed that her liver is not going the direction we want. She has had to have some increased blood work done this summer. We will check back again the beginning of October and make a decision then. She is such an angel as they do this.

Fairy Garden

Summer Bucket List ✔

One of my favorite simple things we did this summer. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

County Fair

Another family favorite and summer bucket list ✔ CLICK HERE to read all about it.

A Cool Down

Is it just me or has this summer felt so very hot?! It is no secret that summer is my least favorite season but we had the most GLORIOUS two days when the temperature dropped a lot, it was overcast and rainy, and you bet I wore my sweater, drank hot chocolate, and enjoyed every single moment of it.

Princess Lydie

She’s the best.


I *think* this was the end of my canning season. Every year I am trying to push myself to try something new. This year was pears (I also did peaches on this day)! I had such a lovely day canning. I *borrowed* Lydie’s TV, put on Oklahoma, and just canned the morning away. Geez, I love canning. It’s hot and sticky but for some reason it makes me feel so grounded and just proud of what I’ve done.


Sarah and I spent the night in Denver seeing WICKED! CLICK HERE to read all about it.

My Orchard

Dreams. I want my own slice of land. I don’t know if I’ve ever put that down in writing until now, but oh I do. It is a secret dream of our family so much to live rural – like really rural (because I realize this term is very relative). But until then, I am trying to live my dream the best I can. We planted two apple trees right after we moved here – a McIntosh and a Honeycrisp. The Honeycrisp did not survive the first year – we planted it WAY too hot. Last year, we got a new one and it has done great! It’s interesting because the McIntosh looks a lot better but hasn’t produced many apples yet. But the Honeycrisp went CRAZY this year! We counted over 60 apples!

But the birds kept getting at them and putting holes in the apples, and then wasps would come and swarm them. Finally, we decided to pick them (because they were just being eaten alive!) even though I think they could have done better with a couple more weeks. We are definitely still learning but if any one has any tips and tricks – I am all ears!

Here is our meager harvest but it’s the first thing I have personally grown and it made me really happy.

Camp de Vida

One of the best weeks for our little family. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

Marshmallow Temples

Sarah and Ben had another fun temple related activity and created temples out of marshmallows!

Fresh Apple Pie

I used some of our apple harvest to make a homemade apple pie. I may be biased, but it may have been the best apple pie I’ve ever eaten.

Girls Primary Activity Leader

I got a new calling – girls primary activity leader! CLICK HERE for more!

Fall Soccer Season

Ben started his fall season of soccer. This season he definitely stepped up in the league and plays on a much bigger field with more players. He is pumped!

Mark’s 42nd Birthday

We got to celebrate our very favorite man. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

Deep Clean

We decided to take a two week break from school before we kick off our new school year. We spent most of the first week doing Camp de Vida but then I went into full on deep clean mode. I never seem to be able to get to everything I want but it felt so nice to get to some parts of the house that just don’t get the attention I wish they did. It felt GOOD! My biggest accomplishment was a complete clean and reset of our pantry and kitchen. And then my camera role just looked like pictures of things I needed more of. Does any one else do this? I take pictures of things ALL the time to help me remember.

Homeschool Prep

The other part of the week was deep in homeschool prep. I would have loved to space this out a little more but here we are. But we are finally ready to go!

Baltimore Orioles

The timing worked out perfect for Mark to take the bigs to two Rockies and Orioles games for his birthday. CLICK HERE to read about it.

One-on-One Time

While Mark took the bigs, I had the best one-on-one time with Lydie. It wasn’t at a doctor’s office or therapy appointment – just at home. This hardly ever happens and we both loved it. It was such a sweet evening together.

Late Sleepers

Because the bigs were out late at the baseball games they slept in LATE in the mornings. I was in Lydie’s room when Sarah finally came in and this is what the clock showed. Holy smokes! I think I’ve only slept in that late once and it was in college! All three of them were so tired!