
Journal // April 2024

Our every day April moments 🌼

Bach Music Appreciation

Jacob and Sarah have been learning about Johann Sebastian Bach and LOVING it! We have finally found a music appreciation course that is working for us! YAY!

Illuminated Letters

Jacob and Sarah have also been studying about the Middle Ages and designed their own illuminated letters.

Medieval Fun

It just so happens, that Lydia and I have been learning about the Medieval times as well. We’ve done so many fun projects – a catapult, dragon wagon, and a Medieval castle!

Morning Snuggles

I will never get over how much I love seeing their morning snuggles.

Spring Picnics

We have had some lovely spring weather. The kids love eating their lunch outside. I tried to be sneaky and take this picture through the screen, it made me so happy to just listen to their conversation.


Can we just have a moment for Jacob’s beautiful cursive? Beautiful.

General Conference

We had a sweet weekend together as a family, listening to prophets and apostles. Nothing better. Here what the prophet had to say HERE.

Grandma’s Nightgown

Grandma made this beautiful nightgown for Sarah several years ago, and Lydie is finally big enough to wear it! She looks so adorable!

Rett Clinic

Lydia had a visit to the Rett Clinic. The big update HERE.

Math 2

I’ve shared in our “Schoolhouse” posts about our struggles with math this last year. But Sarah finished level 2 and we are so excited!

Language Arts

Ben continues to chug away at language arts and is doing so well. I am really proud of this little man because it has not been easy for him.


Ben is trying a new sport this spring and really enjoying it – SOCCER! Actually, I think his favorite part is that he is doing it with his good friend, Monson.

Grey Hair

I found my first grey hair this month. I may have freaked out a little! But here is to embracing the gift of getting older.

Whittaker Visit

We had such a wonderful visit from our Whittaker cousins! All of the fun HERE.

Snowy Spring Day

As it always goes with spring – you see all of the weather! The kids loved another bonus snowy day!


Benjamin and Sarah spent A LOT of time this month building lots and lots of domino routes!

Horse Therapy

Since the weather is warming up, Ben and I sat outside and did some school while Lydie rode her horse. Lydie is getting strong and stronger and we are so grateful she gets to do this.

Diamond Art

It’s funny how things come in waves. This month, diamond art made a come back for Benjamin. He loved working on this project!

Baby Animals Days

Spring Bucket List ✔ We had such a fun afternoon at a nearby “farm” to visit some baby animals. Read all about it HERE.

First Lost Tooth

Lydia lost his first tooth! She is growing up so quickly! Read about it HERE.

Movie Afternoons

I’ve been working on planning some things – my favorite! 😉 I’ve been trying to finalize some things with our Mississippi trip this autumn and also planning our upcoming school year. It’s been so fun and the rest of the family gets to watch movies while I plan. It’s a win-win!

Moldenhauer Pictures

I’ve been continuing to work on my family history project for my great-grandparents. This month I’ve been uploading a lot of pictures to family search.

Flying Kites

Spring Bucket List ✔ We flew some kites as a family and geez it is harder than it looks! Read all about it HERE.