
Jacob’s 8th Birthday

Eight years old. I cannot believe it! This boy brings us so much joy and is an incredible blessing to our lives. We love him so much and were so happy to celebrate HIM.

Jacob got up and going first thing and instead of doing the breakfast we planned – he said he wanted donuts! I was actually completely okay with this because it was easy! So Jacob came with me to our local donut shop and picked out all of his favorites. He was so excited!

We came home, ate, and got ready to PAR-TAY! Jacob wanted an “insect party” this year and things were pretty relaxed. It’s been a LOT this month and to be honest, I am feeling pretty overwhelmed. But this re-confirmed to my mind that children really are happy with just the simple things.

Grandpa and Grandma and Gramps and Grammy came over to help us celebrate Jacob’s special day. It is always wonderful to see them and be together. Although, we all learned we are all pretty wimpy when it comes to the heat.

We played outside with bubbles, and then Jacob requested that we open presents. By the time we were done, we were all roasting and ready to get inside to the air conditioning! HA! I guess the next thing on our list is to plant some trees to give us some shade!

Jacob was so excited and got new legos, stuffed animal friends, blanket, books, art supplies, and some real-life medical equipment to play veterinarian with his animal friends.

We came inside and had some lunch. Jacob planned out the whole menu and it was fun to hear his explanations for his choices, like strawberries because they look like ladybugs, and baked beans because they look like beetles.

Jacob was so happy to immediately start piecing together his legos and giving check ups to his animals. It was fun to just sit back and let him do what makes him happy.

Jacob’s Favorites

  • What is your favorite thing to do? Legos, pretend doctor, and play with his stuffed animals
  • Do you have any nicknames? Je-co-bay
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A veterinarian
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family? Watch movies
  • What makes you happy? Snuggling with my blanket or reading
  • What do you like to learn about? Math
  • What do you do really well? Drawing
  • If you had a million dollars what would you buy? LEGOS!
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride my bike
  • If you could go anywhere where would you go? Alaska
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be? That my stuffed animals could be REAL
  • What was your favorite birthday present? Doctor stuff
  • Food: Raspberries
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Book: Billy and Blaze
  • Toy: Blocks
  • Treat: Donuts
  • Song: I Am a Child of God
  • Animal: Polar Bears
  • Movie: The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh
  • Color: Orange

Our Eight Year Old Boy

Jacob has grown a lot this year. Physically he is getting so tall – {and he can’t wait to be taller than me!}. But I have noticed a lot of maturity in different ways the last several months. He is growing up {which leaves me feeling mixed emotions} and he is a good boy.

He has had a lot of appointments the last several weeks because of his new diagnosis with autism and ADHD. But he has taken it all so well. He is going to do amazing things – I know because he already is.

Jacob’s creativity and love of arts and crafts continues to GROW! He always has several projects going on and loves to make things for his brother and sisters.

One thing that has really struck me is Jacob’s love of reading this year. He truly loves reading and I love that about him.

And with that, Jacob is also developing a love of the scriptures. I have been amazed by this. He started reading The Book of Mormon at the beginning of the year and is in Mosiah now. He does this all on his own and I am just in awe. He loves to tell me in the morning how far he read the night before.

Jacob is sweet and kind and makes our world a better place. I am so proud of him and his efforts to be the best he can be. He makes us all better.

Happy Birthday, buddy. I love you forever.