
Jacob Scott


This boy is quickly becoming such an amazing young man. Time goes by so quickly.

Jacob is really attentive and helpful – especially with me. Almost always when I come home from the grocery store, I barely have time to get out of the car before he is coming out of the house ready to help me bring in the groceries. I am so grateful for his caring spirit.

Physical and Emotional Health. Jacob has become very aware of his physical and emotional health. He tries to exercise every day, goes outside to play and “get fresh air” (he did a whole essay about the benefits of nature and your mental health), and eats very healthy (he loves protein shakes and is diligent in having well balanced meals!).

He is quick to ask forgiveness. I love this about Jacob. He sincerely strives to be such a good person – and he is! But I love that when he is aware that he has made a mistake, he is quick to sincerely apoligize and make things right. His humility is a tender thing to see.

Loves to play games. Board games and card games are a daily occurance in our home and Jacob loves to play!

Lately, I have been really impressed with Jacob and how he is becoming a seeker of truth. He is sincere in his desire to learn the gospel, connect with the Savior, and develop his testimony. It has been such a sweet experience to watch and be a listening ear for him.

We love you forever, Jacob.

(1) Comment

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    I could not be more proud of Jacob. He tries so hard every day to be his best self. I love that he is attentive to his mom’s needs.

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