
Jacob Scott

I probably say it every time I post about my kids, but they are all changing and growing up at lightning speed these days. I constantly wish to slow down time and yet I am also so excited about the people they are becoming and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them.

Jacob is definitely becoming a BIG KID! There is a maturity about him that is growing more and more. Jacob’s favorite activity continues to be his LEGOS. He loves them! He is one that really likes the “sets” with the instructions on how to build. His current favorites are his Harry Potter sets!

Just like so many other kiddos around the world, Jacob is OBSESSED with the “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” song from Encanto. And, if I’m being honest, we are all moving and grooving to the soundtrack lately, too. Jacob knows all the words and he gets REALLY into it. It always makes me smile.

Another thing that I have noticed more lately with Jacob is he is really interested in non-fiction books. He got a “5,000 Facts about Everything” book for Christmas and he spends a lot of time reading it and telling me about what he learns. He also continues to read his various animal encyclopedias and is getting interested in traveling to different places around the world while looking at our different atlases.

One sure sign that Jacob is growing up is we’ve noticed he is becoming more of a night owl and less of an early bird. I will often see Jacob’s light on past 9:30 and he will sleep in on the weekends past 8:30 now. It still feels a little odd to start making that shift in our family but I guess this is just preparing us for later years.

We love you, Jacob.