
Jacob Scott

I am in complete denial that Jacob is going to be nine years old this year. Where is the time going? As crazy as it is though, it is also exciting to think that we are entering this new phase in parenting. I have definitely noticed a maturity in Jacob over the last couple months. Our boy is growing up!

Some of my current favorite Jacob-isms are:

Jacob loves to read. He reads everything he can get his hands on! We went to the library a couple days ago and by the time he went to bed he had already read two and a half books! His favorite books right now are The Boxcar Children.

I feel like Jacob is becoming more open to trying new things. One thing that Jacob is very interested in learning is how to garden. For years we have been talking about beginning a garden. Sadly, we have never lived anywhere long enough to start one. But I am hoping that we can make this dream a reality for Jacob this year.

Another recent development that I am loving with Jacob is his and Ben’s relationship. Jacob and Sarah have always been good little buddies and they both consider one another their best friend {and I love that!}. But Jacob and Ben have had a harder time getting along. The last month or two though I have noticed Jacob really making an effort with Benjamin and Ben has loved time with his big brother. They are bonding over their love of LEGOS and I love watching it.

Another hobby that has really taken off with Jacob is sewing. He loves to take some felt and make his own little stuffed animals. He has made quite the little animal kingdom, and even made Lydia an animal for Christmas. He is so sweet with Lydia and I adore them together.

Jacob has such an inquisitive mind. He loves to figure things out. He has really developed a love for learning everything – and I am so thrilled about it.

I love this boy. I love who he is and who he is trying to become. And I am forever grateful that he is in our family. Keep doing what you’re doing buddy.

(4) Comments

  1. LuAnn says:

    When I learned that Jacob was coming to join our family and make me a Grammy, I immediately was filled with joy and light. He is truly my sunshine boy. I love this smile and his ability to “see” a critter in a piece of felt. Putting together a bunch of legos into a truck. Love you Jacob.

    1. Elise says:

      Sunshine-y is definitely a good way to describe him ☀

  2. Scott Clegg says:

    I love Jacob for the sweet and sensitive sensibilities with which he was born. I love that he loves his stuffed “friends”. He helps me see the world in a better way.

    1. Elise says:

      I love that 💛

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