
Invite Christ to Author Your Story

Oh goodness, this was a talk I needed to hear the last couple months! I was so touched by the words of Sister Camille N. Johnson. This talk spoke of faith, as well as adversity and discipleship.

Sister Johnson spoke of letting go of our own narrative. And I can say, for myself, that has been one of the hardest lessons of life for me, especially in recent years. I have acted like a young child at times, throwing my adult version of a tantrum in my prayers, pleading for the Father to accept MY plan. But I have learned in the last year that His story is so much better than my own.

Another thing I have learned is how much trials truly are the best ways we learn. I wish it could be different. I think it is human nature in us to want to take the easier path. But I loved what Sister Johnson said about how it is the struggles in our stories that draw us closer to the Savior and make us more like Him. Although I don’t that we will all be sitting around a campfire in heaven, swapping stories about whose life was more difficult, I do think we will share experiences with one another that helped us become who we were meant to become.

I loved how Sister Johnson shares examples from the scriptures of those that LET God author their stories. These valiant examples like David and Esther could have chosen easier paths, but they trusted in God. And I think that is an important thing for us to remember. Yes, things will happen in our stories that we don’t want or expect. But if we allow the Savior to take the reins, let Him lead us, he can create a masterpiece that we never dreamed. But we have to let Him.

Finally, the scriptures teach that we will be judged by our book of life. And if we allow the Savior to write our story WITH us, and let his plans take priority over our own, what a beautiful life we can have. It is hard giving up that control. It is hard accepting that He just might not know what is best. But I have found a lot of peace recently in letting Him be the lead in my story. After all, my story wouldn’t have a very happy ending without Him.

Sister Johnson asked several questions throughout her talk. I have found it really beneficial to take time to ponder them and reflect on my answers in my personal life. And I have also found it really helpful in thinking how I can support Mark and the children in their stories.

  • What kind of personal narrative are you writing for your life?
  • Is the path you describe in your story straight?
  • Does your story end where it began, at your heavenly home?
  • Is there an examplar in your story – and is it the Savior, Jesus Christ?
  • Will you invite [the Savior] to be the author and finisher of your story?
  • What do you suppose keeps us from turning our stories over to Him?
  • Why are we sometimes resistant to asking for heavenly help through the Holy Ghost?
  • Why do we put off asking a question to which we do not know the answer when the witness not only is friendly but will always tell the truth?
  • Don’t we love the glorious culmination of a story we read when the protagonist overcomes the struggle?
  • Why do we want the Savior to be the author and finisher of our stories?
  • Will you let God be the author and finisher of your story?


“I testify that the Savior is “the author and finisher of our faith.

He wants us to return home to Him and our Heavenly Father. He has everything invested in us and wants us to succeed.

We can ask questions of our loving Heavenly Father, in the name of our merciful Savior, and the witness who answers our questions is the Holy Ghost, who always testifies of truth. Because the Holy Ghost works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we know that the manifestations of the Holy Ghost are reliable.

Trials are the elements of the plot that make our favorite stories compelling, timeless, faith promoting, and worthy of telling. The beautiful struggles written into our stories are what draw us closer to the Savior and refine us, making us more like Him.

The sublime principle of agency does, of course, allow us to write our own stories…But Jesus Christ stands ready to use us as divine instruments, sharpened pencils in His hand, to write a masterpiece! He is mercifully willing to use [us]…as an instrument in His hands, if [we] have the faith to let Him, if [we] will let Him author [our] story.

Letting God prevail, letting Him be the author and finisher of our stories, does require us to keep His commandments and the covenants we have made. It is our commandment and covenant keeping that will open the line of communication for us to receive revelation through the Holy Ghost. And it is through the manifestations of the Spirit that we will feel the Master’s hand writing our stories with us.

With more faith in Jesus Christ, we could ask a question to which we do not know the answer – ask our Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, to send an answer through the Holy Ghost, who testifies of truth. If we had more faith, we would ask the question and then be willing to accept the answer we receive, even if it doesn’t fit our comfortable narrative. And the promised blessing that will come from acting in faith in Jesus Christ is an increase in faith in Him as our author and finisher.

He knows our potential perfectly, He will take us to places we never imagined ourselves. He will stretch us and refine us to be more like Him. The things we will achieve as we act with more faith will increase our faith in Jesus Christ.

We will be judged by our book of life. We can choose to write a comfortable narrative for ourselves. Or we can allow the Master Author and Finisher to write our story with us, letting the role He needs us to play take precedence over other ambitions.

Let Christ be the author and finisher of your story!

Let the Holy Ghost be your witness!

Write a story in which the path you are on is straight, on a course leading you back to your heavenly home to live in the presence of God.

Let the adversity and affliction that are part of every good story be a means by which you draw closer to, and become more like, Jesus Christ.

Tell a story in which you recognize the heavens are open. Ask questions to which you do not know the answer, knowing God is willing to make known His will for you through the Holy Ghost.

Let your narrative be one of faith, following your Exemplar, the Savior Jesus Christ.”

FULL text and video of Sister Johnson’s talk can be found HERE.

Other messages from the October 2021 General Conference that I have found particularly impactful:

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  1. […] Invite Christ to Author Your Story by Sister Camille N. Johsnon […]

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