
Independence Day

As with most, our Fourth of July looked different this year. We normally go to Idaho where we spend the holiday with extended family watching the parade, barbecuing, and fireworks.

With all of these events cancelled, we headed over to Utah instead and spent the weekend with my family.

We started the day with a yummy family brunch. It was lovely to just catch up with everyone. Megan and Linda took us over to their new home and Megan played “Tour Guide Barbie” as she took us around Utah County. We are so happy for them and their new home!

After our tour, we went back to my parents. The kiddos were up from their afternoon naps and hit the backyard! And an intense waterfight with Gramps began!

While the kiddos were outside playing, us adults were inside playing games. We were introduced to some new ones, but couldn’t resist going back to some of our roots. We introduced Linda and Mark to Disney Charades and…well, let’s just say, we take it VERY seriously!

Grammy and Gramps spoiled us with a delicious barbecue. And then we headed over to Melina’s for fireworks! Melina loves her fireworks and always puts on a spectacular show.

It was Benji’s first year staying up for fireworks and he was so excited. The kids were having lots of fun with sparklers but after our first firework, things changed. One of Melina’s neighbors went out to do their fireworks and one of their fireworks fell over and shot multiple times into our driveway – right where we were sitting.

If I am being honest, it was pretty terrifying. The first time was scary but then it just kept shooting at us. I ended up picking Jacob and Benjamin up and running into the garage with everyone else until it stopped.

The neighbors felt terrible – and we felt bad for how bad they felt – but my kiddos were really upset. Sarah calmed down and ended up enjoying the night, Jacob tried to tough it out for awhile but ended up coming to me crying, and Benjamin never recovered. I ended up staying with both the boys inside the house while they finished the fireworks.

It broke my heart to hear Jacob say, “This is my least favorite holiday now.”

He used to love fourth of July but this really upset him. I am hoping that next year, they can love it again.

Despite some scary moments – it really was a fantastic day.

The next day we were able to have church together with my parents and sister in their home. It was a wonderful weekend.

We are proud to be Americans. We loved celebrating our country and it’s birthday. And we are forever grateful for the men and women who have fought and continue to fight to keep the freedoms that we enjoy.

Happy Birthday, America!

(4) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    It looked like for the most part it was a wonderful day. It is too bad that it ended on a sour note. I feel sorry for the kids. Hopefully next year will be a better experience.
    I love how Grandpa’s does water fights. Cool!

    1. Elise says:

      It was a great day – we sure missed you though!

  2. Scott says:

    It was a great day. We had lots of fun. Everyone knows how I feel about fireworks.Love those done by municipalities, but HATE those done by regular schmoes. Each year there seems to be some kind of a scare. Get rid of them and one has a perfect holiday.

    1. Elise says:

      I have to admit – I am with you! Give me a good sparkler but I am just fine watching the rest from a distance 😉

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