

Everything lately in the Berning house is “THE BEST ____ EVER!!!”

{I guess that’s better than the alternative!}

Halloween this year was declared “THE BEST HALLOWEEN EVER!” by Jacob and we had a great day. Halloween and the whole week leading up to it {see this post!} was so much fun.

We sure love our skeleton, unicorn, pumpkin, and chicken!

I think my favorite parts were the aftermath of Halloween. After we got back from our ward Trunk or Treat, Jacob and Sarah pretended “Trick-or-Treating” with each other going back and forth giving each other candy. While Ben quietly sat down surrounded by his loot eating candy and singing, “Families Can Be Together Forever”.

It was pretty perfect.

What was your favorite part of Halloween?

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(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    I don’t care for Halloween, but your family sure has a fun time. Adorable costumes and the kids are so cute with their BIG smiles.

    1. Elise says:

      It is DEFINITELY one of the kids favorite holidays!

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