Life, Travel

Grand Canyon

We woke up early and drove up to Grand Canyon National Park.  Mark had never been there before and I hadn’t been to the South Rim before – and it was ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!  It was in the 60’s both days we were there and it was PERFECT!  We took so many pictures of tons of different views but I will only put a couple on here – I PROMISE!

The first day we went and walked around the visitor’s center a little bit and then did the Bright Angel Trail.  There is definitely no easy trail down the Grand Canyon and this one proved the same.  We only went down a mile and a half but it was pretty steep.  And I am so incredibly grateful for a husband that is so understanding and sympathetic to my horrible fear of heights.  He let me hold his hand and squeeze it the whole time we were there – even while hiking.  His only comment was “Okay, so we may have to switch hands…”  Haha, he was so great though.  I love that boy. 

This little nook is where we stopped to eat lunch – FAR away from the cliff!
The view from our turn-around point.

We spent the day looking at the beautiful canyon and then looking at the village.  There were honestly times when we would be sitting on the shuttle and couldn’t understand a single conversation around us because there were so many foreigners.  We felt like we were at the Tower of Babel – it was pretty funny. 

The next day we went and took the shuttle around the park and looked at lots of other stops in the canyon.  It was beautiful – we couldn’t get enough of it.  We then went on a hike around dinner time.  This one was less than a mile but VERY STEEP.  It was a little frightening but gorgeous. 

The steep switchback trail down.

We had a WONDERFUL vacation!  Arizona was a lot of fun and we would go back in a heartbeat.  So grateful that I have such an amazing husband where we truly love to just spend time with one another. 

Check out our Arizona round-up here!