Life, Travel

Fort Davis National Historical Site

This day began our travel back home.  We left the ranch house in Alpine around 8:00 and headed up to Fort Davis National Historical Site.  This was a frontier military post from the Indians War era.  We have been to several military forts before and this one was different and neat to see.

We walked around the museum in the visitor’s center and then around the grounds of the fort.  It was fun to look at what the barracks, fort hospital, and especially the commanders home used to look like.  It was definitely interesting.




Also, Sarah looked like a little homely child walking around.  We could NOT find her jacket anywhere (turns out it had fallen between the cooler and the back seat) and so she had to wear my jacket.  She was NOT happy about it…

This was a day I definitely did not plan very well.  It was an over twelve hour driving day which we normally would have left early early for but we had to wait to get to Fort Davis in time for it to open so we ended up getting into Denver a lot later than we wanted.  Oh well…what can you do?!