
Followers of the Prince of Peace

Elder Ulisses Soares’ message, Followers of the Prince of Peace, touched my heart and spirit. Elder Soares always seems to speak in such a way that encourages me to be better without making me feel like I am failing (if that makes sense).

Elder Soares spoke of discipleship. I was immediately drawn to his message because discipleship is what our family’s theme has been this year. And Elder Soares spoke of peace. I don’t think I have had a meaningful conversation lately, where the topic of peace is not brought up – whether it is feeling peace or the absence of peace in our loud and complicated world. But we all seem to be searching for it more lately. Longing for it to come. Wanting to be and live in those places where we do feel it.

And the Savior promises us His peace to His “peculiar people” who turn their hearts to Him. Doesn’t that make you want to shift your life and your thoughts more intentionally on Him?

We are invited to “consider ways we can transform ourselves into uplifting and supportive people“. And we do this by developing Christlike attributes. Characteristics like charity, love, patience, humility and compassion. We do this by thinking the best of others.

Elder Soares’ leaves us with a promise – that as we pursue and develop Christlike attributes we “will experience joy, peace, and spiritual growth.” And that is the yearning of my heart. I feel so hopelessly flawed most days. I get frustrated when I make the same mistakes. I feel frustrated that I feel so far from the woman I want to be. But, all the Savior asks of us, is that we show up for Him. That each day we strive to be like Him. President Nelson shared a couple years ago that the Lord loves effort and that statement has stayed with me and brought me immense comfort. He does not expect perfection from us right now, but He does ask for our effort.

So each day I will continue to yearn for that transformation and put in the work to shift my mind and heart closer to Him as I strive to be like Him.


“As His followers, we are His peculiar people, called to proclaim His virtues, promoters of the peace so generously offered through Him and His atoning sacrifice. This peace is a gift promised to all who turn their hearts to the Savior and live righteously; such peace gives us the strength to enjoy mortal life and enables us to endure the painful trials of our journey.

Those who practice works of righteousness and strive to walk in the meekness of the Spirit of the Lord are promised the peace they need to survive the days of commotion in which we live today.

As disciples of the Prince of Peace, we have been instructed to live with “hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.”

Charity is…an attribute of the Savior and can become part of our character…Without charity, we are nothing and we cannot inherit the place the Lord has prepared for us in the mansions of our Heavenly Father.

The Savior’s teachings focused…on the virtues of love, charity, patience, humility, and compassion – fundamental attributes to those who want to become closer to Him and promote His peace. Such attributes are gifts from God, and as we strive to develop them, we will begin to see our neighbor’s differences and weaknesses with more empathy, sensitivity, respect, and tolerance. One of the most evident signs that we are drawing closer to the Savior and becoming more like Him is the loving, patient, and kind way with which we treat our fellow beings, whatever the circumstances.

One of the adversary’s tactics is to stir up enmity and hate in the hearts of God’s children.

Brothers and sisters, as the Lord’s peculiar people and promoters of His peace, we cannot afford to allow these tricks of the evil one to take place in our hearts.

My dear brothers and sisters, as we strive to develop attributes like the Savior’s we can become instruments of His peace in the world according to the pattern that He Himself established. I invite you to consider ways we can transform ourselves into uplifting and supportive people, people who have an understanding and forgiving heart, people who look for the best in others, always remembering that “if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

I promise you that as we pursue and develop these attributes, we will become more and more cordial and sensitive to the needs of our fellow beings and will experience joy, peace, and spiritual growth. Undoubtedly, the Lord will recognize our efforts and give us the gifts we need to be more tolerant and patient with one another’s differences, weaknesses, and imperfections. Furthermore, we will be better able to resist the urge to take offense or offend those who hurt us. Our desire to forgive, as the Savior did, those who mistreat us or speak evil about us will surely increase and will become part of our character.

May we today, on this Palm Sunday, spread out our robes of love and palm leaves of charity, walking in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace as we prepare to celebrate, this coming Sunday, the miracle of the empty tomb.

I testify that Jesus Christ lives and that His perfect love, expressed through His atoning sacrifice, is extended to all who desire to walk with Him and enjoy His peace in this world and in the world to come.”

FULL text and video of Elder Ulisses Soares’ message can be found HERE.

Other messages from the April 2023 General Conference that I have found particularly impactful: