
Fall Soccer

One of the wonderful things about living in a bigger area is that there are more opportunities for the kiddos to participate in different things. Jacob has tried organized sports before and it’s never gone very well. He has never seemed very interested and I didn’t want to push him into anything.

But this summer I started talking to him about some possible extra curricular activities. He decided he wanted to try soccer. I have to admit, I was a little hesitant but it has been an amazing experience. His personal growth during this season was HUGE.

I was really proud of him for going right out there, when he didn’t know anybody, didn’t know the sport, and just going for it.

Jacob’s coaches were absolutely amazing. It was actually a husband/wife combo and they were both fantastic. They were so patient and helpful with Jacob and I was so impressed with them. So much of why this was such a positive experience was because of them.

Gramps and Grammy and my sisters came up to watch one of his games!

I am a one proud “soccer mom”! And Jacob can’t wait for summer to start back up in the spring!

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Who knew running around and kicking a ball could be so much fun? I’m glad that he had fun with it. Kudo’s to those coaches! It does take a village to raise kids. Loved the pictures.

    1. Elise says:

      He really had a blast – it was a lot of fun for all of us!

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