
Fall Projects

I love doing projects in the fall and spring – hello mild weather!

It dawned on me the other day that we have bought three different homes in three years in three different states. That was definitely not apart of any single plan I had for my life.

Have I mentioned lately how much I yearn for roots? I try not to think about it too much and just try to continue to trust that one day it will happen for us.

But one downer about having three different homes in such a short amount of time is that you go to the effort of doing projects for your house only to have to leave them behind and do them again at your new house.

I’m not going to lie…repeating some of these projects is kind of wearing me down a little bit. Sometimes I wonder if there is a point, but I am really trying to adopt the grow where you are planted motto. And not wonder how long we are going to be here and to make our current home feel like home for however long that is. Who knows…maybe this is the place we will finally put down some roots!

This fall we have been working on a couple different projects. Nothing huge but many small projects add up to big changes, right?!


BEFORE…oh my stars…it was a WILD jungle!

Our first project goes entirely to Mark and Benjamin. We bought our house as a new build and so we don’t have a yard. And we are definitely missing that! But with having Lydia this summer and moving in general we just didn’t have the time or funds to do it.

Once the weather started cooling down though, Mark and Benjamin tackled the JUNGLE which was our front yard {we won’t talk about the backyard!}. The weeds had gotten out. of. control. So Mark and Benjamin spent several days outside weeding it all out {Jacob and Sarah helped when they weren’t doing school with me}.

I was completely useless in this project. I went out to help Mark on the first day and my allergies went crazy. Funny thing is – I don’t normally have allergies! We joke that I am allergic to Wyoming.

But I was of no help outside because my eyes would start to water and my nose would be itching and sneezing. No fun.


The front yard looks so much better now. We were originally thinking of trying to put in a sprinkler system and lay down some grass this fall but then decided we would rather put that off until spring and use money now to do things inside since that is where we will be for the next several months.

So that will definitely be a spring project!

Front Door

I don’t think we can claim doing this project ourselves but we definitely think it is a home improvement!

As I said earlier, we bought this house as a new house build but there were still a few random things that were not done. One of which, was the painting of our exterior doors.

So in October they finally came and told us they were going to do it! WOOT!

Now, I have a thing for color {more on that later} and they had planned on painting all of our doors white. I actually liked the white but I thought that a pop of color might be even better. So I asked them if we supplied the paint if they would paint it a different color.

They agreed – but only for the front door {don’t ask me why they wouldn’t do the back door as well!}.

BUT we love our new front door. The exterior or our house is pretty bland. And having the pop of color is so much fun and we love it!

Entryway & Hallway

Another thing about our home is that it is all painted the same color – walls and ceiling! It is all grey {and so is the exterior of our house}.

Now, I know the VAST majority of the world is obsessed with all things white and grey…I am just not that girl. I don’t dislike it at all. I think it looks awesome in pictures and definitely gives it a crisp, clean look.

But…I love me some color. Now, I am not planning on painting any walls fuchsia or anything {although I am sure Sarah would love that!}, I do love to have some color. It just make me happy!

I also am really not a fan of colored ceilings. Having them white makes the room feel bigger and just looks so much better in my book. So, some of the grey had to go!

We went down to Home Depot and got a big ‘ole 5 gallon bucket of white ceiling paint and got cracking!

Bless Mark’s soul for always being so supportive of my painting obsession. We have painted a lot of things in the last couple years. AND painting ceilings is definitely not fun. BUT the difference is amazing! It’s one of those things where you don’t realize how much of a difference it makes until you do it!

We decided to leave our entryway and hallway grey on the walls but paint the ceilings white. It was such a simple project that we feel made a big difference.

Living Room & Kitchen

But…while we were painting I figured now would be the perfect time to add some color to the inside of the house. We had originally planned to paint our living room/kitchen area a muted green color {we already had the paint because we had purchased it for our last house!} but we just didn’t like it as much for that space in this house. It was too close to the grey and we wanted something with a little bit more of an impact.

I love me some blue…so we went with it! The paint guy at Home Depot warned me and warned me through multiple “lectures” as he called them but we stuck to our guns and couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

The whole room has completely transformed and we are all obsessed.

This room is really just sad. We don’t have any furniture in it but old chairs I had from college and a really beat up Walmart coffee table that we have had since we got married.

My goal this fall and winter is to get this room so that it is functional {cough cough…so we can all have a place to sit} and feel like a place where we want to be {and that I am not embarrassed about when we have guests over}.

Right now, this room has a ways to go still, but we have a vision and now we just need to put it together. This paint color with our vision is going to be so dreamy and we can’t wait.

But this was a big check mark that was relatively cheap to do.

Gallery Wall

Something I have wanted FOR-EV-ER is a gallery wall. I wanted a big picture of our family with big pictures of our kids around it. I searched high and low for frames and love what we have now!

How awesome does that white look contrasted against the blue?! Love it.

What’s Next?

We’ve always got big plans in our heads but sometimes they take a lot longer to make actually happen in reality {wouldn’t it be nice to have unlimited funds and time?!}.

But that’s life and part of the fun is the journey!

Our focus for winter is getting furniture for our living room and decorated all homey and cozy-like. Making it feel like us. Wish us luck!

What projects are you tackling this winter?

(4) Comments

  1. LuAnn says:

    I love it! It’s really starting to come together. So happy for you all.

    1. Elise says:

      Thank you! We love it too!

  2. Dixie Valentine says:

    WOW! WOW! What a difference and it looks absolutely wonderful. You have accomplished a lot!
    Blue is one of my favorite colors and it’s beautiful in your house. Love the gallery wall.
    A house comes with an never ending list of things to do, but that is what transforms it into a HOME. Can’t wait to see the end result.

    1. Elise says:

      We are really loving how it is coming together! I can’t wait to see the end result too!

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