

“Life will challenge you. Difficulties will come. Heartbreaks will strike. So, wherever you are going, make your way to Jesus Christ first. Remember that His suffering and Resurrection make possible our victory over difficulty and death. Make your covenants with Him and keep them as you journey on.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Easter was so good this year. But does anyone else feel like Easter and General Conference on the same weekend is a little stressful? It was like trying to mix in our favorite Easter traditions in-between conference and it was a little much! But we had such a good weekend.

Saturday morning the kiddos woke up to their Easter baskets and new Easter clothes!

Easter the paper…CLASSIC! šŸ˜‰

While we waited for morning conference we played with bubbles outside {we had BEAUTIFUL weather on Easter weekend!}. And then after lunch, we had our Easter egg hunt!

In-between afternoon and evening sessions, we dyed our Easter eggs. Mark, Sarah, and Benjamin were our decorators this year and did a FABULOUS job!

When Easter Sunday rolled around, we spent the day at home watching General Conference. It was such an uplifting, peaceful weekend. I spent most of the inbetween time making Easter dinner while the kiddos and Mark did puzzles and colored. It was perfect.

The boys weren’t feeling pictures – but the girls are always up for a good photo opportunity!

Also, we set Lydia in a giant egg box and the pictures make me LAUGH every time I see them. I hope it brings you the same joy!