This is most likely the last year I will be doing read alouds with Jacob – cue tears here 😢. I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing read alouds with the kiddos. BUT the following year Benjamin will be starting kindergarten and I just don’t think I will have time to do three separate read alouds. So …
1st Grade Read Alouds
Organizing our read alouds is one of my FAVORITE activities for homeschool prep! I am still in a bit of denial that it is time to start preparing for next school year – but so excited for all of these books that Sarah and I get to dive into! I know a lot of families …
{JACOB’S PICKS} Favorite 3rd Grade Books
One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is getting a front row seat to my kids learning. Teaching Jacob how to read and then seeing that love of reading just explode has been incredibly rewarding. He loves to read and I am just thrilled by it. He has moved up to a fourth grade reading …
Winter 2021 Schoolhouse
Thoughts this Winter Oh goodness. As we leave this winter season behind us I am filled with all sorts of feelings. The last couple months have been rough. Ever since the beginning of December when we had Lydia’s big appointment with our developmental specialist, we have been going full throttle with appointments for Lydia. We …
{REVIEW} The Good and the Beautiful Science: Mammals
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after …
{RESOURCES} Black History Month & President’s Day
Something I have wanted to be better at doing is incorporating holidays and other extras into our school learning. I don’t feel like I do great at this but this last week The Good and the Beautiful made it pretty hard to not do anything! I have never seen them do these before {but I …
{REVIEW} The Good and the Beautiful Math: Level 2
I love the math by The Good and the Beautiful. I said it. I love it! It is so solid and it is Jacob’s favorite subject. He spends a slightly crazy amount of time flipping through his math books during his free time. That’s how much we love it around here. It’s gold. So here …
2020 Christmas Schoolhouse
When I was looking at our upcoming school year this last spring and summer, I decided that I wanted to add some Christmas goodness to our school day in December. And I am SO glad we did! I have heard of others doing all sorts of things. Some as simple as singing a Christmas song …
Christmas Recital
A couple weeks ago, we had a little Christmas recital for Jacob and Sarah. This was Sarah’s first recital and she was so excited! Jacob and Sarah both worked so hard to prepare and I was so proud of them. It was the year of “Up On the Housetop”! Jacob played Up On the Housetop …
Autumn 2020 Schoolhouse
Thoughts this Autumn Our autumn schoolhouse was felt really good but was also mixed with a lot of interruptions. We went on our family vacation to Montana {read all about it HERE}, we had Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays, and many medical and therapy appointments for our little Lydia. I have been filled with gratitude that …