Showing 514 Result(s)

Sarah Esther

Sarah Esther brings me so much joy. I love that sweet little girl who is becoming less and less “little” every day. She fills our home with joy and love and some much needed balance with the boys! I love how Sarah puts her pencil behind her ear (just like her Daddy). I love how …


Sarah’s Room // Week 1

We started a BIG PROJECT for us at the beginning of March and we are so excited! It’s going to take some time – but progress is progress and I am so happy! Sarah is probably the last one that should get a room makeover – but alas, she is! Sarah easily had the most …


Valentine’s Day

We had a lovely Valentine’s Day. We took a break from our normal school and did this little mini Valentine’s Day unit from The Mindful Heart and it was so sweet. We read scriptures and poetry about love. We read about who St. Valentine was. We read our favorite picture books about love and Valentine’s. …


Unseen Oceans

In February, our family fun was to head down to Denver to explore the Unseen Oceans exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We love this place so much. This exhibit was so fun and interactive. The kids had an absolute blast exploring all of the different nooks and crannies!



January came and went in a flash – but in February we were finally able to sit down as a family and talk about what our goals were for the upcoming year. If you are new around here, we are a very goal-oriented family. We believe in striving to become. This was such a fun …


Family Game Night

JANUARY FAMILY FUN! This is our third year doing this for our Family Fun activity in January so I am calling it a TRADITION! We play a lot of games but we try and make this night extra special. Each of the kiddos pick a game and Mark and I pick a game together and …