Life, Travel

Camelback Mountain

This year for our first family vacation we went to ARIZONA!  It was such a fun trip and we definitely did not want to come back!  We took SO many pictures (we were proud of ourselves) but most of them would probably only be fun for us, but I will still put lots up – point being – WE HAD A BLAST!

We left Garden City after work on Tuesday night and drove down to Draper and stayed with my parents at their house.  We then woke up early the next morning and started our trek down to the AZ.  We thought that since we were going to Arizona that our problem would be getting too hot – we had loaded up with sunscreen and the like and instead we ran into this…

We stopped at an overlook to take a peak at what was coming up…

And this is what we saw laying ahead of us…

And here it is! …Lola (our WONDERFULLY AWESOME car) stated it was a crisp 32 degrees!

We pulled into Phoenix around 8:00 PM.  We basically just crashed once we got into the hotel.  I don’t know why sitting in a car is so exhausting, but for some reason – IT IS!  But we woke up early the next morning and hiked up Camelback Mountain.  We didn’t make it the whole way but we hurried back so we could shower and pack up and then head off to the Phoenix Zoo