

These two boys.

Let me tell you a story.

A couple days ago we had just stopped school to take our lunch break. I sat down with Lydia to feed her while the other three were downstairs playing. A couple minutes go by and I start to hear Ben crying. This is not abnormal. Ben is pretty high on the emotional spectrum right now {cough cough…three year olds}.

Usually things fix themselves pretty quickly and so I just let them work it out. But Ben’s cries only got louder. I could hear him making his way up the stairs and tried to call out to him as he was searching for me.

All of a sudden he comes into my room and it was pretty horrific. His entire face, hands, shirt, and pants were covered with blood. I put Lydia down and walked him into my bathroom. I calm him down and get him cleaned up.

After cleaning up what felt like a scene from a crime show, I finally was able to piece together what had happened. The boys were playing with their bean bags – hitting one another – when Jacob must have hit him just right and given him a bloody nose.

But you want to know what? These boys were best buds again minutes after that happened.

Boys are pretty amazing like that. They have it out and then they are done.

I grew up in a family of all girls and so boys are still a bit of a foreign thing for me.

But I am learning.

For one thing, my boys seem to be a lot more physical. They are always running and jumping and moving.

They are ten times harder to talk to then my Sarah. It is difficult for me to get them to communicate. Unless it involves Legos and/or Star Wars {I know way more about Star Wars than I ever thought possible}.

I think about my boys and the men I hope they become.

Kind. Strong. Faithful. Patient. Full of love for others.

I hope that they find their path. And that the path they choose will bring them lasting happiness. And I am happy that they can do it together.

So even though they may be giving one another bloody noses and get on each other’s nerves a dozen times a day, they will always have each other. And I am grateful for that.

Also if you have boys, just jot this down. Trust me.

To remove blood from rugs and carpet: mix two cups cold water with one tablespoons of dish soap. Miracles.

Quote from Jacob as I scrub the 86th stair {perhaps a slight exaggeration} filled with blood “I am so glad I have the smartest Mom in the world.”

You basically move up to Super Mom status – you vanquish blood.