

We went BOWLIN’!

The kids and I were desperately needing a day away. It had just been a hard week. There was nothing in particular that was making it that way – but it had just been difficult.

We were so excited though because all month we had a day trip to Vernal planned. But then the night before, snow was in the forecast. We didn’t want to be making the drive in the snow and so we opted to stay close to home.

We were so bummed. And as luck would have it, we probably would have been fine to go {not a speck of snow flew where we were!}.

BUT we were determined to do something! So after afternoon naps we headed over to the bowling alley!

When we got there they told us the “league” was meeting in half an hour and so we needed to be done by then. So we raced to put shoes on and rushed through our game.

Jacob’s bowling form is something to be admired 😉
I think Ben made the buzzer go off every time he went up to bowl…

It was a little chaotic and not really what we had in mind for a family fun night but the kids had a good time {despite us rushing them}. And the alley was very understanding when we still managed to go fifteen minutes past when they said we needed to be done.

January was not really our month for family fun. Every time we tried something it always seemed to fall through! So I have to admit, I am okay seeing the end of January coming this week and am hopeful for a festive February!

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Jacob’s ball is dead center. I hope he got a strike or at least had lots of pins fall. Nothing quite like the sound of pins falling.
    Looks fun!!!

    1. Elise says:

      He got a spare once and was SO happy! The kids definitely had a blast!

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