
Berning Family Reunion

We left Idaho and made our way down to Utah to celebrate this amazing woman’s 80th’s birthday. We were so happy to gather together with family. We were able to get there a day before everyone else and it was fun for the kids to spend some time with their grandparents – Grandma even taught them how to crochet!

It was so lovely to go to church together, play games, go on walks, and we even went bowling! The kids played “Ghosts in the Graveyard” probably 200 times and even had quite the elaborate restaurant.

Funny Story: The first night all of the family was there, Ben fell over in his chair at dinner and landed on his finger weird. It was looking a little funky and so we asked Uncle Keith (aka Dr. Keith as Ben called him after) to take a look at it. Afterwards, he told us it wasn’t broken or sprained or anything. Then he prescribed to Ben more candy 😜

Later that night, I was helping Ben brush his teeth, when he said, in all seriousness, “I’m really interested in what Dr. Keith said about eating more candy. Because candy isn’t healthy so I am interested in what he meant.”

It was so hard not to laugh! Ben was completely serious and so sweet about it.

Family time is the greatest time.


Our drive down to Utah!

Quality Time with Grandma

Grandma’s 80th Birthday

Oh how we love you!


We had a great time going bowling as a family! Ben was pretty impressive with how he would bounce his ball back and forth down the lane. He only had it go into the other lane once! 😉 Keith got the win!

Family Pictures

I love love love these pictures of the “original” family – we missed you, Brian!