
Berning Family Reunion

Just days after the Clegg Family Reunion, we turned back and headed to our favorite place once again – but this time for the Berning Family Reunion! We had to laugh that both reunions ended up just being down the road from one another.

We had a beautiful cabin nestled in the trees and it was perfect. We spent late nights playing games, a day at the lake, visited Mesa Falls, watched the Olympics, had early morning snuggles in bed, walks, four wheeler rides, and we had a BLAST!

Early Morning Snuggles watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…because Lydie gets what Lydie wants šŸ˜‰
Hundreds of tootsie pops were eaten this day!

Mesa Falls

We had another eventful final night – though not in the same way as the Clegg Reunion šŸ˜œ – when a nasty stomach bug made its way through the family. Mark was case number 1, and Jacob and other members followed. It was a LONG night. But we are grateful if it had to hit, that it wasn’t until the final night!

I also want to add a little note about our reunion shirts. Todd designed them this year and we were so surprised and touched by what he did. He had reached out about two months ago asking for the kids to draw a picture with their favorite color. We weren’t sure what it was for – and honestly, we thought it was for a Christmas present or something for Grandma and Grandpa. So we were so surprised when Todd announced at the reunion that he used the drawings our kids had made as inspiration to design a shirt dedicated to our little Lydia. It was such a sweet gesture and meant so much to us. Thank you, again, Todd.

It was another perfect couple of days with family. The Berning Clan is a big group – and we missed Brian and the Whittakers – but we were so happy to spend the time together.