
Benjamin’s 6th Birthday

This boy. I love him so much. He is funny, adventurous, so snuggly, works hard, determined, is very sweaty, athletic, loves people, and creative. I was so happy to celebrate him!

Benjamin’s 6th birthday was the birthday that just kept on giving! On the day of his birthday, he and Lydia were still dealing with RSV and so while we did do some things for his birthday (he would have been absolutely distraught if we hadn’t), we spaced out the fun over a week!

Star Wars Party

We kept our food very simple and bland for Benji’s party. He had no appetite and so we kept things simple. His birthday we stayed in jammies, snuggled, watched Star Wars (the Phantom Menace is his favorite), got take out, and opened presents.

About a week later, we had Benji’s Party – Part 2! Ben requested a “Magnolia Cookie Cake” and it was quite delicious! Then we went ice skating! Ben has really wanted to try this for a while and so this was a great time. Lydia and I hung out (I cannot skate at all!) and watched Mark and the kiddos. It was all of the kids first time and their personalities came out! Ben was laser focused and DETERMINED. He grabbed a “walker” and he RAN around the rink. After a couple runs around the rink he decided he had it figured out and just went for it!

He only gave me a heart attack once when he took a really hard fall – head first and took a second to get up. Also, his pants might not have survived the night without a holes in the knees – BUT he had a blast and it was so fun watching him and cheering him on.

Our Six Year Old Boy

Benjamin’s favorites

  • What is your favorite thing to do? Playing Mario (on the wii)
  • Do you have any nicknames? Ben, Benji, and Ben-JAM-in
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A Scientist or veterinarian
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family? Go to the cabin at the lake
  • What makes you happy? People being nice
  • What do you like to learn about? Animals
  • What do you do really well? Play games
  • If you had a million dollars, what would you buy? My own canoe
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Canoe
  • If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Disneyland
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be? To have a giant pool with a canoe
  • What was your favorite birthday present? Pogo stick

  • Food: Pizza
  • Holiday: Halloween
  • Book: The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins by Dr. Seuss
  • Toy: Magnatiles
  • Treat: Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream
  • Song: Indiana Jones Theme Song by John Williams
  • Animal: Polar Bear
  • Movie / Show: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
  • Color: Blue

Benjamin is such an endearing little boy. People of all ages seem drawn to him and I love watching him interact with others. He is probably the most confident person I have ever met. He knows who he is and is totally okay with who that is!

Ben loves to make others laugh. He also has an amazing laugh and laughs BIG – no quiet laughing from this little man.

Determined and hard working are both adjectives that describe Ben. He gets this laser focus on things and he wants to figure it out. He will get up and do it over and over and over again until he figures it out. And when there is a project that needs to get done (especially if it is an outdoor project OR a project involving some sort of “tool”) he is 100% for it!

Along with that – Ben simply loves to do things that use his BODY! He is a very physical person and loves to be active. But boy oh boy, this boy gets SWEATY!

Ben also has a very creative mind. He love to build things. So many times I have found him going through the garbage and pulling out random things that he wants to repurpose to create some sort of tool or equipment. I have been so impressed by what he creates.

And possibly, one of my favorite Benjamin-ism is his cuddly personality. This boy loves to “snuggle”. He loves his “Lydie time” and always snuggles up with her. And if I am sitting down on the couch, you can bet Benji will hustle on over and immediately snuggle into my lap. I love it.

Benjamin, we love you. You are special. You bring our family so much joy. Thank you for being ours and making our life full with your goodness. We love you forever, sweet boy.

(2) Comments

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    Happy Birthday 1st buddy.

    1. Elise says:


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