
Benjamin Lewis

Benjamin Appreciation Post!

This boy makes our house such a fun place. Five has been such a fun, sweet age for our Benjamin. Ben continues to be the most physical little human. He loves to be running, wrestling, climbing, building, you name it! Ben’s love language is definitely physical touch. He is the snuggliest little guy and loves to come curl up with me. I never tire of his hugs.

Ben is just cool. He is so confident with who he is. It has been so fun in recent months when we go to activities with other kids of all ages, and to see him so sure of himself and making friends with those around him.

Ben’s imagination continues to amaze me. He is so good at playing and coming up with amazing stories. He is also a fantastic little builder. He is always building amazing things with his LEGOs and blocks. He told me that he is going to build a house for us and Lydie, and he even made a detailed floorplan of what it was going to look like – complete with NO stairs 😉

Ben seems to be following the Berning kid tradition of loving animals. He wants a dog so badly. He is in heaven any time we visit friends and family with pets.

A trait I have seen a lot of lately is persistence. Ben does NOT give up! He keeps on going no matter what. Whether that’s learning a new skill or understanding a new concept, he wants to get it!

We love you, Benji!

(2) Comments

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    At the reunion Sarah and I talked about how much she would like to live on Grandpa Clegg’s farm north of Soda Springs- close to nowhere. When I asked her where she would live, Sarah matter of factly said, “Ben will build a house for me.” Awesome!

    1. Elise says:

      He has made us all promises! We are planning on cashing in on them one day 😉

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