
Benjamin Lewis

My feelings about Benjamin have been so tender recently. I’ve thought a lot about him in the time after Lydia’s diagnosis. I always loved the idea of having an even number of kids. That way EVERYONE has a buddy! Jacob and Sarah are really close and I had such hopes that Benjamin and Lydia would be the same. Benjamin is kind of at that tricky age where he still isn’t big enough for a lot of the things that Jacob and Sarah are interested in, but he is also beyond that young toddler age too. He gets left out a lot and I always kept in the back of my mind this thought of, once Lydia gets bigger, then he will have a buddy too.

So after Lydia was diagnosed and the weight of everything shifted around, my heart was so sad for Ben. That in many ways, Lydia would never be able to do the things that Ben would want to do and be apart of. And that he wouldn’t have a “buddy” to share those experiences with.

But my eyes have been opened to so many beautiful things the last couple of months between the two of them. They are – IN EVERY WAY – buddies! Benjamin is exactly the big brother that Lydia needs. He is so good with Lydia. He sits and plays with her and comes up with stories for them to engage in with their play. And the way Lydia looks at him – she LOVES him so much. It is so tender. Benjamin never talks about what Lydia can’t do. She is just Lydia, and he comments every day about how perfect she is.

And THAT is who Benjamin is. He loves. He gives love so freely and easily. The world could use more people like Ben.

Benjamin makes us laugh ALL day long. The kid is so quotable! He makes us laugh with all of the silly things he says and does. I think my current favorite was probably about two weeks ago when he burped and after a moment I looked at him to cue his “excuse me” and he just gave me this big cheesy grin and said, “it’s just a throat toot!”. Ben fills our life with JOY.

Ben is a physical kid. Physical touch is definitely his love language and he loves to snuggle and give loves. He also loves to jump, kick, run, spin, throw…if he can do it with his body – HE LOVES IT! He loves to “work” and he will spend hours in the backyard with a shovel moving piles of dirt around. He likes to be busy!

I love this boy. Our kiddos are all so different from one another which sometimes makes things tricky, but this boy brings so much goodness to our family. I am so grateful he is ours because we NEED him. I love you, Benji.

(4) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Being around Benjamin on for the 4th gave me the chance to see what a caring, loving and fun little boy he is. I love boys! They are the greatest.

    Beautifully written.

  2. Scott Clegg says:

    Love Ben. He’s the best.

  3. Darlene says:

    You are a wonderful mother, Ben is blessed to have as his mother forever. Love you lots.❤️

    1. Elise says:

      Thank you so much for saying that 💛

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